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Beginner's Guide to Penis Pumps

Age can lower testosterone levels that shrink a penis. Medications and health complications can alter the flow of blood, reducing erectile strength. And even poor genetics can result in a smaller-than-average sized penis. Whether it’s because of age, medications or genetics, men
want a larger, stronger penis. And penis pumps, these small vacuum-like devices, can increase strength, length and girth.

Device Overview
Penile pumps continue as a common solution for resolving problems of erectile dysfunction. When the flow of blood slows to the penis, a man is said to experience erectile dysfunction, but by expanding the tissue and directing more blood to the penis, men can effectively reduce signs of E.D. Each penile pump performs both functions: expands tissue and redirects blood into the penile chambers. As an added bonus, the devices expand tissue cells for a longer, wider-looking penis.
How It Works
Males start by fitting a cylinder over the base of a penis. The tube creates an airtight-atmosphere that when pumped, causes blood to rush to the penis. Each pump creates more pressure against the penile tissue. With more pressure placed against the tissue, the penis expands to create an erection. The more pumps used, the harder an erection becomes.
Step-by-Step Instructions
  1. Start with a semi-erect penis and apply lubrication to the opening of a pump.
  2. Insert your penis into the cylinder. Allow the base of a pump to press against your body.
  3. Place your finger over the air release or set the pump to allow air into a cylinder.
  4. Start compressing and releasing the pump. Go slow to adjust to the sensation and pressure.
  5. Continue pumping until your penis is erect. If you experience discoloration of the tissue, stop. If no discoloration appears, release the air pressure and continue with your sexual activity.
Device at a Glance
  • Directs blood toward the penis for improved erectile strength.
  • Offers an alternative to cock rings.
  • Eliminates signs of erectile dysfunction.
  • Increases the length and girth of a penis.
Types of Pumps
Beginners Strong Suction Penis Pump
Ideal for new users, Beginners Strong Suction Penis Pump offers a simple, affordable penile pump for males. Benefits are known:
  • Easy-to-use.
  • Ideal for men less than 7 inches in length and 5 inches in girth.
  • Improves strength and girth.
Bathmate Hercules 3.0 Hydrotherapy Penis Pump
Said to increase girth, length and erectile strength, Bathmate Hercules 3.0 Hydrotherapy Penis Pump offers a water-based pump for expansion. Benefits known to:
  • Improves length and girth.
  • Pumps more blood into the chambers for a longer, harder erection.
  • Uses warm water for improving penile comfort.
Bathmate Goliath Hydrotheraphy Penis Pump
Bathmate Goliath Hydrotheraphy Penis Pump, similar to the Hercules, provides enlargement and increases strength by pumping air into a penis. Benefits known to:
  • Increases the flow of blood to expand the penile spongy tissue.
  • Improves size, girth and strength.
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63605

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