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Girth Enhance: A Solution to the Stigma of a Thin Penis

In 1622, the production of the modern pencil began. Prior to then, wooden sticks were hollowed and filled with graphite. The sticks were thick, large and difficult to grip. The Germans changed the design, opting for a thinner, easier-to-grip device. For the pencil, thickness was not suitable, but for the penis, girth remains imperative. A thinner design makes providing pleasure difficult, while a shorter length creates complications during certain positions or while maintaining penetration.

For males without the necessary girth, making a woman orgasm vaginally can prove impossible. And men after an improved width can find a few suitable sleeves that give the impression of a wider shaft to make any sexual encounter filled with a memorable experience.

A Quick Argument for Girth

Admit it: girth gets little credit. Look around the Internet and you’ll find a hodgepodge of stores selling the same message: a longer penis. But girth? Nope, girth rarely gets mentioned. It’s forgotten about and under appreciated, like a penny in a jar full of quarters. But girth grants men the ability to stimulate the clitoris. The wider surface area rubs better against clitoris that a shorter penis cannot replicate. With wider length, ladies can feel each thrust rubbing against the vaginal walls and clitoris for a more memorable orgasm.

Girth Sleeves at a Glance

Made from silicone, these devices fit over the penis, like coffee sleeve expect without the ridge feel. Each sleeve can be adjusted to fit higher or lower and most enhance the sexual experience for men because of the silky texture. Women, meanwhile, enjoy the added feel and thickness of the penis. Most sleeves promise

  • Inflated girth for improved sexual pleasure
  • Improved sensation for men and women
  • Non-irritating solution for the skin 

Men in search of improved girth can find sleeves suitable for enhanced clitoris stimulation. Even men with a sizeable girth can still improve their erectile size for a wider, more suitable sexual experience. 

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Blog ID: 63599

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