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Spanking Cream for Heavy-Handed Couples

Walk through any gym and you’ll find a man or a woman with an ass so perfect that you just want to spank. If your partner has that spankable ass, you’re going to smack it around a bit. You’ll grab it. You’ll squeeze it. And you’ll spank it—a lot--during sex. For women, the right amount of pain can ensure an orgasm. Whether you’re spanking for a fetish or for added stimulation, spanking requires technique and creams. Combine each, and men can make a woman orgasm with just the spanking. So if you found that perfect, spankable butt, you’ll want to see just how great spanking cream can be.

Spanking and Pleasure: Understanding the Link

During sex, the body releases a series of endorphins to increase pleasure. When men and women spank their partners, the pain experienced feels less severe because of the endorphins. More importantly, the release of adrenaline during sex causes the pain to feel pleasurable. Each smack intensifies the stimulation, and for women, the added pain increases blood flow. With enhanced blood flow, ladies can experience an improved orgasm—if done correctly.

Smacking Creams and Technique

Now just because the body can experience a heightened sense of pleasure doesn’t mean you should smack away. Smacking with an open hand can actually cause more pain than pleasure. When spanking for pleasure, here are some rules to follow

  1. Pay attention to her body language. If she’s enjoying the pain, spank a little harder.
  2. Start with a cupped hand first and move to an open hand.
  3. Focus on one cheek at a time.
  4. Apply creams and massage the buttock to improve stimulation and sensation.
  5. Use circular motions to rub the cream into the skin.
  6. Mix light and moderate smacks for the ideal combination

A few smacks can stimulate her body just enough to make her orgasms. As you discover your his and her liking, you’ll be able to adjust your technique to suit his or her preference.

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Blog ID: 63574

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