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Saw Palmetto: Reducing BPH-Induced Nocturia

Saw Palmetto can quell your sleepless nights that remain peppered with constant trips to the restroom. Known as Nocturia, the sleepless nights are a direct side effect of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, known as BPH. For most men, Nocturia occurs thanks to the growth of the prostate, a common symptom of BPH. As men age, their P.C. muscles no longer can retain urine as well as before. Meanwhile, the growth of the prostate can too constrict the bladder, an issue that forces men to use the bathroom. But men who take Saw Palmetto can see an improvement to the P.C. muscles while noticing a reduction to the prostate that squishes the bladder.
Nocturia Explained
The prostate grows each year, from the time you’re an infant to the time of your death. When the prostate experiences enough growth, it applies pressure against the bladder, making the organ appear more like an oval rather than a circle. With less space to hold urine, men will take extra trips to the restroom. Meanwhile, weakened P.C. muscles, which control urine stream, no longer hold liquid with the same effectiveness. Instead, men find themselves waking up more at night and visiting the restroom more frequently during the day.

Solution Highlights
Solution Number: 143611
Age Ideal For: 40+
Symptoms: Frequent Bathroom Use, Inability to Hold Urine, Midnight Bathroom Breaks
Possible Causes: Weak P.C. Muscles, Prostate Inflammation
Helpful For:
  • Adults over 45 years of age
  • Men who experience Nocturia and Urgency 
Saw Palmetto Berry: The Cure for Nocturia
Saw Palmetto berries contain fatty oils that lower prostate-specific antigen levels. Higher PSA levels elevate the risk for prostate growth and cancer. And Saw Palmetto berry products, compared to traditional Saw Palmetto supplements, contain a higher level of berry oil inside of extracts, powders and pills. For males, the higher concentration of berry oil can
  • Improve P.C. muscle strength for better urine control
  • Reduce prostate inflammation
  • Improve sleep patterns
Saw Palmetto Berry: Types, Tips and Dosages
From powders to extracts, the varying types will affect men differently. Some berry products include a higher potency, while others digest better inside the body. Whether you want better digestion or higher potency, each product type will include its advantages and disadvantages. Men after the best type of Saw Palmetto berry product will want to read the list below.
1. Extract: Easily diluted into your favorite drinks and smoothies, Saw Palmetto berry extract contains a high concentration of berry oil per dose; more importantly, these products contain plenty of upside to eliminate moderate or severe Nocturia.
Recommended Dosage: 30-40 droplets
Recommended Recipe: Tomato Juice Smoothie from
Using a tomato base, this smoothie comes packed with Lycopene, Flax Seeds, and of course, Saw Palmetto berry oil to fight prostate growth, urgency and Nocturia.
  1. 1 cup water
  2. 1 cup grapefruit juice
  3. 2 pomegranates
  4. 1 tbsp. purified, organic fish oil with orange essence
  5. 5 lbs. tomatoes
  6. 1 tsp. organic agave nectar or honey per 4 cups of tomato juice
  7. 1 tsp. sea salt per 4 cups of tomato juice
  8. 4 tbsp. flaxseed oil for each 4 cups of tomato juice
  9. 30 droplets of Saw Palmetto berry extract
  10. Minced raw garlic and Italian herbs to taste
Advantages: Extract digests easily into the body, because unlike food, liquid does not need to be broken down by the digestive tract. With faster absorption, men can see quicker results.
Disadvantages: While faster digestion can be a plus, extracts will require constant use to experience results.
2. Powder: Providing a high concentrate per tablespoon, powder forms of Saw Palmetto berries mix well into your favorite drinks and foods. However, unlike extracts, powders do not digest as fast when combined with food. While slower digestion can be a concern, powder can provide an effective form of treatment for males with moderate Nocturia issues.
Recommended Dosage: 2 to 3 tablespoons
Recommended Recipe: Tomato Pepper Smoothie from
A variant of the Tomato Juice Smoothie, the Tomato Pepper Smoothie adds a few spices to the drink. Recommended two to four times a week alongside breakfast or lunch, this smoothie contains plenty of Lycopene and Saw Palmetto berry powder to give males the necessary boost for stopping and reducing prostate enlargement.
Ingredient List
  1. 3 tomatoes, chopped
  2. 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  3. 2 tablespoons oatmeal
  4. 1/2 red pepper, chopped
  5. 1/2 red onion, chopped
  6. 1/4 tablespoon cayenne pepper
  7. 1/4 tablespoon turmeric
  8. A dash of pink Himalayan salt
Advantages: Powder forms of Saw Palmetto berry contain plenty of concentrated dosages of oil essential in the fight against Nocturia.
Disadvantages: Will require multiple dosages a week to experience results, and the powder form can dilute the effectiveness of berry oil.
3. Soft Gels and Tablets: Considered the most popular type of berry product, soft gels and tablets grant a fast, convenient solution. With their high concentration and fast metabolism, soft gels and tablets provide the best solution for males with severe issues of Nocturia.
Recommended Dosage: 160 mg to 320 mg a day
Advantages: Easy to consume and easier to digest.

Disadvantages: Can work better with other Saw Palmetto products.
As you continue to age, your prostate will keep growing. Each passing year, men risk more midnight trips to the bathroom. If you keep experiencing sleepless nights, it’s time to take Saw Palmetto and regain control of your sleep cycle.
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63566

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