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Anxiety-Induced Impotence: A Solution for Worried Men

Costing more than $42 billion a year to treat, anxiety remains the most common mental illness in America. It’s also one of the leading causes of impotence. Wait, what? Anxiety causes impotence? It sure does, and it happens more than people think. From experienced veterans to novices, anxiety-induced impotence can frighten, worry and make even the most confident man shrivel up—literally. Men who endure constant anxiety battles during sex understand the frustration and shame associated with the issue. Still, men can fight the problem with one simple tool: a vibrating cock ring.

Understanding Anxiety and Its Affect on Sex

Most individuals associate anxiety with the heavy breathing, intense sweating, heart-racing-so-fast-it-feels-like-you’re-jogging experience, and while most anxiety bouts include some of these signs, anxiety-induced impotence starts with fear. Men experience a sense of panic, and then notice little stimulation. Men will rub their penises, watch porn, even look for assistance from their partners with the hope of gaining the necessary stimulation. Instead, a penis remains limp and unresponsive.

But what exactly causes this anxiety in the first place? According to WebMD, the anxiety can occur because of

  • Poor body image
  • Fear about performance or satisfaction
  • Worry about premature ejaculation
  • Complications with a relationship

Any of these triggers can lead to the sudden lack of desires. And most men might gain an erection before sex, but once the clothes come off, males experience instant shyness.

Vibrating Cock Rings: An Unusual Solution to a Typical Problem

You won’t find cock rings at your local pharmacy, and most manufactures won’t even mention rings as a cure for impotence, but according to user testimonials, the rings help. Vibration cock rings accomplish two goals: sustaining erections and providing pleasure. For men with anxiety issues, both goals ensure that an erection can get hard, but more importantly, stay hard. These rings also provide the following benefits:

  • Trapping blood inside the erectile chambers
  • Applying stimulation to the tissue to redirect blood flow
  • Maintaining erectile firmness while boosting confidence
  • Increasing the time of sexual intercourse
  • Improving clitoris stimulation

If you continue to experience side effects of performance-anxiety, a vibrating cock ring can boost both your confidence and erectile strength. Whether you experience anxiety because of your penis size or body image, a vibrating ring can improve your stimulation and your partner’s.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63541

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