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Poor Orgasms: A Solution for Everyday Woman

It is said that even the slightest breeze can help a man reach an orgasm. But for women, reaching an orgasm takes work, time and a bit of technique. For some ladies, no matter how great the technique, the breeze or amount of time, an orgasm seems like an impossible thing to reach. For some ladies, the inability to orgasm can occur thanks to clitoris insensitivity, a common, often debilitating issue for women. Still, ladies can fight the insensitivity, regain their confidence and their enjoyment of sex once again with these products that boost a woman’s potential to orgasm.

Understanding the Insensitivity Problem Ever notice the tingling sensation your foot experiences with it “falls  asleep?” This tingling feeling followed by a loss in sensation occurs because of blood loss to the foot. So you can poke, smack and even stomp on your foot without experiencing any pain. Ladies with clitoris insensitivity can too notice the same discomforting feeling and lack of sensation. Why? Well according to studies, the lack of sensitivity can occur because of injuries to the clitoris. These injuries can damage nerve endings, inhibit blood flow and bruise tissue, effectively ending any type of stimulation to the area.

Product that Reverse the Issue From Kegel Balls for vaginal looseness to sensitizing gels, ladies can find a few products that boost their pleasure. Here’s a quick look atsome:

  1. Looseness Devices: Sometimes, the lack of pleasure occurs because of the inability to experience sensation from vaginal looseness. Thanks to tightening devices, ladies can regain the stimulation lost over time.
  2. Sensitivity Gels: Lack of blood, tissue bruising or nerve ending damage can render the clitoris unable to experience stimulation. Sensitivity gels reverse the primary causes of poor stimulation, giving ladies an enhanced sense of touch.
  3. Lubricants: Sometimes, vaginal dryness can keep the clitoris from experience pleasure. Other times, dryness can render sex painful. Thanks to lubes, ladies can regain their sensation once again.
  4. Books: As silly as it may sound, ladies may need some reading material to understand exactly why they cannot orgasm. Some books might even offer advice for ladies noticing trouble reaching a climax
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Blog ID: 63534

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