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Books to Explore Your Homo-Erotica Desires

Remember the day you told your family you were gay? Every gay man remembers. You prepared and practiced your speech. You picked a day for when to tell your family. You imagined what they would say. You remembered the apprehension felt before presenting the news. For gay men, building a lifestyle, discovering sexual interests and finding acceptance can present a challenge. Thanks to homo-erotica novels and guides, you can find answers, acceptance and information about your lifestyle and decisions as a gay man.

Self-Discovery/Coming-of-Age Books

You’ve started a new chapter in your life. You’re discovering your sexual desires as a gay man. And as your life changes, you want to read the stories of other young men like you. “College Boys” offers a bevy of coming-of-age stories for young men entering high school or college. From first-time sexual experiences to the pressures of school, you’ll read stories from the point of view of a gay man, and you’ll discover plenty of joyful, uplifting stories meant to inspire, change and educate you. Whether it’s for discovery or inspiration, you’ll find something you’ll like.

Fantasy Books

Need something to read and to stimulate your senses? “Muscle Men” offers a valued fantasy book that lets you discover why the men in this book are considered the best and sexiest in the business of bodybuilding,modeling and fitness. Great for a short read or ideal to stimulate your desires, “Muscle Men” provides a celebration of the male body. If you enjoy chiseled men, rock-hard abs and sexy faces, you’ll love “Muscle Men.”

Books for Penis Enlargement

You might find yourself self-conscious about your erectile size. You see your size as an issue, and you want something to resolve the problem. “A Pumpers Handbook: Enlarging Penis” grants a quality purchase for men interested in penis enlargement techniques. With tips, user-testimonials and exercise programs, males can find an answer to their size problems.

Whether it’s to discover more about your sexuality or to grow your penis, these books offer a hodgepodge of topics for any gay men. So if you’re looking for new erotica, you’ll find just what you need. 

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Blog ID: 63524

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