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Calm Pills For Hyperactively Aroused Premature Ejaculation

A Triple-Pump Chump

A triple-pump chump: a term used to describe a male’s less than stellar performance during sex. It’s a term few men ever wish to associate themselves with, but some unfortunate males can’t seem to endure the over-excitement from the intercourse. Find out why some call this formula the "Dragon Calm Pills" and which can help you tremendously.

Solution Highlight:

Solution Number: 90

Age: Under 35 years old

Symptoms: Men who cannot hold an ejaculation for longer than 15 minutes

Possible Causes: performance anxiety, intimacy fear, over-sensitived penis and stress

Chief Herbal Ingredients: Cimicifuga, Cinnamon Twig, Cornus, Jujube, Licorice, Nacre, Os Draconis, Passion Flower, & Schisandra.

Helpful For:

  • Young adults under the age of 35 years
  • Men who experience premature ejaculation in more than 50 percent of their sexual encounters 
  • Men who practice the Stop-Start Technique to stop premature ejaculation caused by stress, anxiety, depression, or exhaustion
  • Men who experience P.E. from excessive masturbation.

Some men get over anxious. Other simply cannot impede an ejaculation. Circumcised men especially can feel the tip of their shafts get over stimulated, which results in a sudden explosion of….embarrassment. A few times may be forgivable, but make a habit of finishing too quickly, and a woman can feel indignant.

Calm Pills Formulated Based These Healing Herbs:

How These Healing Herbs Work

Cimicifuga, Jujube, Schizandra, Os Draconis, and Cornus blend together to rejuvenate parasympathic sexual nerves. Men who ejaculate early tend to have weakened parasympathic nerves and ejaculation valve, the two main causes of early ejaculation.

Jujube, Licorice, and Schizandra form a natural tranquilizer that prevents irritable and restless nerves. The astringent and nourishing properties found in Os Draconis, Jujube, Licorice, and Schizandra can even allay spontaneous sweating. Cinnamon Twig and Passion Flower improve circulation, reduce stress, curb anxiety, and restore nervous system dysfunction. [1] [2]

Os Draconis is known as the Chinese Dragon Bone. TCM doctors collected an ancient skeletal mammal fossil of a Mastodon, crushed it into a powder and blended it with Jujube, Schizandra, and Licorice into an herbal remedy that actually treats men with leaky penis, wet dreams, severe night sweats, and premature ejaculation disorders. The sedative and anticonvulsive effects of the powder work so magically well that TCM doctors treasure it like a bone from the Chinese Dragon. In fact, premium quality Os Draconis has been priced similar to the Rhino Horn. 

The Effects of Calming Calcium Compounds Many people who suffer from exhaustion, stress, performance anxiety, and hormonal imbalance excrete lots of calcium in their urine. This causes the muscles and nervous system to further engage a heightened alertness and response to stress and anxiety. Similar to a vicious circle, a loop of stress simply causes more stress.

Over time, calcium is lost in the tissues, joints, arteries, and kidneys. People suffering from sexual exhaustion often have problems with digestion and absorption of calcium compounds. These essential calcium compounds are needed in the synaptic fluid for proper nerve conductivity and balanced electrolytes. Scientists believe the loss of calcium over a prolonged period may be the reason for premature aging of sexually exhausted patients.

 Very fortunately, Os Draconis contains specialized crystalline with a composition of unique formations of calcium carbonate, calcium citrate malate, and calcium phosphate resulting in a combination that is extremely bioavailable and bioactive. Other herbs in this formula, such as Schizandra, Cinnamon Twig, Jujube, and Passion Flower improve the circulation, reduce stress, curb anxiety, and restore nervous systemdysfunction in synergy.[3]

The Psychological Effects of Early Ejaculation

The average male psyche hinges on being the dominant, powerful man in and outside the bedroom. Exploding too fast can cause a man to fear sex. Men can start to develop performance anxiety, the incessant brooding over performance, which can lead to even quicker ejaculations. Anxiety can result in self-esteem issues. Self-esteem issues can lead to a loss in confidence.

Thanks to Os Draconis along with many synergized herbs provide the specialized crystalline creates unique formations of calcium carbonate, calcium citrate malate, and calcium phosphate that help with bioavailablity and bioactivity. These healing herbs not only helps calm the anxious spirit, but also repairs both the nerves and valve for a longer, more pleasurable sexual experience.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63492

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