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Masturbation Health Risks - What They Don't Teach You in School

There are some things they just don't teach you in school. For instance, too much masturbation can be very bad for your health. Learn one man's painful story, and find out how to avoid the same unpleasant fate.

Case #: 540


I'm a 19-year-old male. I have been masturbating since I was 12. I used to masturbate every day. I didn't realize at the time how much damage I was doing to my body. I turned 16 and sex and masturbating became obsessive. I would masturbate to Playboy and Internet porn. By 17, I noticed my legs and back started to hurt. I was feeling depressed and had erratic mood swings.

My penis used to be straight, but now it curves. I used to get firm erections and now they're soft. I used to last a half an hour, now I last five minutes. I’ve even seen my penis decrease from 8 inches to a mere 6. My thickness has gone from 5 inches to around 3 to 4 inches. Even my testicles hurt after masturbation! How do I heal what I've done?


For the most part, schools still teach us the 3 R’s: Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic. They teach us why the works of Dickens so poignantly illustrate the dark side of the Industrial Revolution.

They teach us why photosynthesis makes our plants green. They teach us about sines, cosines and tangents. They even teach us completely nonsense stories about presidents chopping down cherry trees. But here's one thing that they didn't teach us: Too much masturbation can put us in a world of hurt. And that's putting it mildly.

It's true. Sex education classes are devoid of essential caveats about the trials and tribulations of over masturbation. But what you don't know can definitely hurt you. Quite often, our teachers will inform us that masturbation is healthy and safe (which it is, in moderation), but they don't offer us any insight as to how excess self love can leave us feeling not so lovely.

Well, I feel your pain, and I think it's time for a little science lesson to help you understand why you're experiencing all of these god-awful side effects.

Sex-Ed for a New Generation

This is my idea of how a sex-ed class should be:

“Kids, masturbation is a perfectly natural activity, but remember, moderation is key. Your body can only produce so many hormones and neurochemicals, and when you masturbate, you deplete a lot of those chemicals.

Neurochemicals, like serotonin, GABA, dopamine, and hormones, such testosterone and estrogen, are required for healthy sexual activity, but if you constantly use up these chemicals, your body won't be able to function like it's supposed to.

In fact, when you deplete your good hormones, your body may even start to produce more inflammatory hormones like prostaglandin E-2, which leads to even more painful side effects. So enjoy masturbation, and don't feel guilty or shameful about it, but remember to practice it in moderation.”

Fixing the Plumbing

Sex-ed aside, your symptoms are caused by sexual exhaustion, for the very reasons that I've just outlined.

The solution, then, is to get those important neurochemicals back in balance. Take a break from the masturbation for a few weeks, and use some targeted herbs that restore key neurochemical levels while repairing damaged tissue. You'll want to find an herbal remedy that contains ingredients like Cuscuta, Panax Ginseng, Rehmannia, Rhodiola and Schisandra.

Because sex education is great, but education will only get you so far. It's time to take action and get your sex life back on track.

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观看次数: 91


笔记编号: 62492

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