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Severe Vaginal Dryness for a Healthy Vegetarian Who was Addicted to ADD Drugs

She suffers from vaginal dryness and difficulty in achieving a G-spot orgasm.

Case #: 42834


I considered myself a healthy vegetarian that exercise regular. In the past few years, I was addicted to ADD prescription drugs. I just turned 24 and had a baby through natural childbirth without tears 2 years ago. I started to experience a severe vaginal dryness during sexual intercourse and have to use massive amount of lubricants.

I always had an incredibly high sex drive and still think about it quite often, but the animal drive got killed off along with the discomfort from vaginal dryness. I frequently use my rabbit vibrator when my boyfriend is not around. Now I can’t get any orgasm through vaginal or g-spot stimulation. I can only get occasional orgasm through a long stimulation on my clitoris. It’s such a big disappointment.


A variety of conditions can cause vaginal dryness. Reduced estrogen levels are the main cause. Estrogen, a female hormone, helps keep vaginal tissue healthy by maintaining normal vaginal lubrication, tissue elasticity and acidity. These factors create a natural defense against vaginal and urinary tract infections. But when estrogen levels decrease, so does this natural defense, leading to a thinner, less elastic and more fragile vaginal lining that can resulted in vaginal dryness and vaginal bleeding.

Addiction of ADD Drugs: Dextroamphetamine and Amphetamine

The combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine can be very addictive. Do not take a larger dose or frequently than prescribed by your doctor. According to research reports, that if you take too much dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, you may find that the medication no longer controls your symptoms, you may feel a need to take large amounts of the medication, and you may experience symptoms such as dry mouth, change of sexual behavior, difficulty staying asleep, and mood swings. [1][2]

ADD drugs (Dextroamphetamine plus Amphetamine) are the top abused drug in college campus. It keeps people awake for more studying. For some college party animals, ADD drugs offers a sense of euphoria, happiness, urge to have more frequent sex, and release the constraint to do a lot of wild and fun things at parties.

Overdose of ADD drugs can affect the pituitary, hypothalamus and might reduce the production of estrogen. Many women have reported vaginal bleeding and frequent UTI as part of the frequent side effects.

If you are still addicted to dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, don’t just stop taking it without talking to your doctor, especially if you have overused the medication. Doctor can help and monitor you to gradually decrease your dose. Most people don’t realize the harmful withdraw and suddenly stop taking the drugs that resulted in developing an extreme tiredness and severe depression.

There are many herbs that can help you alleviate vaginal dryness and restore estrogen balance. Some beneficial herbs can also help you restore the vaginal insensitivity caused by vaginal abrasion and ADD drugs.


  1. ^Brackins T, Brahm NC, Kissack JC., Treatments for methamphetamine abuse: a literature review for the clinician., J Pharm Pract. 2011 Dec;24(6):541-50. Epub 2011 Nov 17.
  1. ^Hodgkins P, Shaw M, McCarthy S, Sallee FR., The Pharmacology and Clinical Outcomes of Amphetamines to Treat ADHD: Does Composition Matter?, CNS Drugs. 2012 Mar 1;26(3):245-68.
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观看次数: 90


笔记编号: 62268

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