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I Know I’m Not Crazy! This Is Something Else I Tell You!

Female underwent tubal ligation after the birth of her daughter. Ever since, she has been experiencing the worst of menopausal symptoms: hot flashes, headaches, depression, overactive bladder, and so on. Her doctor has put her on anti-anxiety medications, but she doesn’t believe it’s helping her. What is the true reason for her issues?

Case #: 736


Hello, I gave birth to my daughter and then had my tubes tied. Ever since then I haven't felt the same. I’ve been feeling weird anxiety, cold, unable to sleep, moody, depressed, and shaky. This year I have been getting hot and cold flashes, and it’s like my skin is on fire. Then I feel dizzy and uneasy. Then I feel like I cannot get enough to drink; as soon as I drink water I feel like I have to urinate really badly, and then my mouth is really dry. Now I am getting this ringing in my ears, and my eyes are blurry. I’m having really bad headaches, eye floaters, and panic attacks.My doctor has put me on Paroxetine for my anxiety, but I think it is something else. He says I am too young for premenopausal and maybe I should see a psychiatrist.


It really sounds like you’re going through a lot right now. It doesn’t help that your doctor is so unhelpful. Your symptoms are synonymous with menopause, but just because you aren’t at a menopausal age doesn’t mean you can’t exhibit the symptoms in certain circumstances, such as after a tubal ligation.

Menopause Before Menopause

As a matter of fact, it’s extremely common for women who undergo tubal ligation to enter into peri-menopause prematurely. The reason for this is that the tubal ligation process can disrupt blood flow to and from the ovaries, diminishing their effectiveness in hormone production. This effect mirrors what occurs in your body during menopause.

During menopause, your body begins to produce less and less estrogen and progesterone. The problems you’re having right now are all problems that also occur during menopause. The solution is to stabilize your hormone levels. Your body is asking for and craving hormones that it isn’t receiving. When your body feels it’s hormones are in proper alignment, you will no longer have such horrible side effects.

How Can Hormones Do This to Me?

Progesterone is the cause of many of your mental issues, including anxiety, panic attacks, sleep issues, and moodiness. It’s astounding that your doctor refuses to see that! Many women going through menopause state that they felt crazy until they restored their progesterone levels. You will do wonders for your mental health, and your hot flashes, by beginning a supplement designed to increase progesterone levels.

Estrogen is causing your overactive bladder, coldness, and depression. Without proper estrogen keeping your bladder walls thick and healthy, it feels constantly irritated by normal substances such. Low estrogen also signals depression, and can cause improper circulation, which is why you feel both too cold and too hot.

Restore Your Body

What can you do to solve this laundry list of complaints? Begin taking a natural supplement that is comprised of plants high in phytoestrogens. You might not have heard of these before; phytoestrogens are plant chemicals that mimic your body’s hormones.

Why not just take straight hormones? Ingesting pure hormones can sometimes have negative repercussions in the form of cancer—with excess estrogen, or discharge and other annoyances—in the case of excess progesterone. When you ingest phytoestrogens, your body processes them as both food and hormones, and the amount of active hormone in each molecule is about twenty percent of the norm, meaning there isn’t a risk of excess anything.

What’s the best phytoestrogenic supplement? In your case, I’d recommend one designed specifically for menopause. (LOOK AT: Menopausal Relief from Tubal Ligation) This compound contains herbs with some of the highest levels of phytoestrogens in the plant kingdom. It also helps your body detoxify and stabilize naturally. You’re sure to see results in alleviating your horrendous symptoms by beginning this remedy. I’m so sorry for your problems, but I’m positive that this formula will solve them!

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观看次数: 87


笔记编号: 61614

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