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Pleasure Leading to Pain – Over masturbation and Associated Symptoms

This case study involves a young man who has a history over excessive masturbation on is experiencing penile and testicular pain, in addition to back pressure and discomfort. Can he turns things around and get back on track? Read on...

Case #: 1149


I started masturbating around the age of 15, and have probably done so on average of once per day for the last five years. (I'm 20 now.) About 2 months ago while running, I experienced a bad pain in my lower back and a bit off to the left side. It felt like a muscle pull, but for the rest of the night if I continued running, I would feel a pain/pulling sensation running into my left testicle and penis itself, causing great pain. About 3 weeks ago, I noticed some hard spots, where I believe you would call this your lymph nodes running towards the actual penis itself. Anytime I participate in athletic activity, I now feel a pulling / straining in the same area I did the first night, and am also feeling very tired all of the time which is very unusual for me. On top of this from time to time, I feel a "pressure" on my lower back, not so much pain... but kind of like a pressure. Obviously all of this concerned me greatly, and when I started doing research I came across this website. I have a girlfriend right now, which has gotten me away from the masturbation, but certainly not from the amount of ejaculations per day/week. Can you please tell me if these are typical signs of over masturbation/ejaculation and what to do to correct this problem?


It’s quite normal for males to start masturbating in the “age of self-discovery” which is during their early to mid-teens. Guys will experiment with themselves as far as what types of hand movements they prefer, if pornography is present and sometimes even come up with pet names for their blow up dollies. Some men can come to rely on their self-sexy time, and this combined with too-rigorous hand movements can lead to unwanted symptoms.

Penis Punting

Whacking the wizard more than 3 or 4 times per week is excessive and engaging in it every day is surely too often. You’re not giving your body the much needed breaks that it needs in order to recover from your masturbatory and sex sessions and are now caught up in a viscous cycle of self-abuse. Now you’re probably feeling as though an NFL punter is constantly kicking your genitals through a field goal.

What has happened as a result of your chronic sexual activity is put too much strain on your vagus nerves, which extends from the front of your body to your penis, prostate, and testicles. These have now become inflamed in addition to overstressing your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems which lead into your pelvic region.

You’ve also triggered an over-reaction of your epinephrine/sympathetic nervous function, causing too much dopamine and cortisol to be converted within your adrenal glands, which in turn inhibits prostaglandin E-1 production. With this lack of anti-inflammatory prostaglandin E-1 your body can’t lower the inflammatory cortisol and prostaglandin E-2 that is burning through your body. This inflamed state also is resulting in you feeling stiffness and discomfort when the environment you’re in fluctuates from warm to cold too rapidly, or vice-versa. So how do we quell these flames raging throughout your body?

A Pain-free Solution

While it is great to hear that you are no longer causing yourself physical abuse from your rigorous masturbatory cycles, you are still ejaculating just as much as you were before which is only exacerbating your original problems. If you want to begin to heal your body, tell your girlfriend that you’re taking a break from sexual activity until your symptoms start to clear up, however long it takes.

Since your groin hypersensitivity is caused by a lack of acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin, (you’ve exhausted them due to over ejaculation), consider taking a powerful natural remedy in order to not only restore their levels, but also nitric oxide, which contributes to penile blood vessel circulation. (SEE: Erection Pain Relief Formula) These mixtures can greatly help to rejuvenate your penile and testicular tissues as well as alleviate back pains. As a result of being fully healed in a natural way, your girlfriend will wonder what hit her when you get back into the groove!

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观看次数: 99


笔记编号: 61262

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