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PSA Level Boosted from Frequent Masturbation

Over-ejaculation can elevate PSA and inflammatory prostaglandin E2 for 24-48 hours or longer, causing prostate, urethra and pelvic pains.

Case #: 45054


I suspect that masturbating increased my PSA level. I know my PSA increased temporarily if I ejaculated. Any herbs can allow me lower the PSA while masturbate once per day?


That's a very good question. As I explain below, frequent ejaculation can certainly cause or aggravate prostate problems. But masturbation, fantasy, and excessive sexual activity, even without ejaculation, can induce a state of inflammation that causes prostate problems. Other causes include poor diet, drug and medication use, or any other activities that induce a state of inflammation in the body.

What is PSA?
What's Your PSA
PSA for African
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced in small quantities by the cells of a healthy prostate gland but is often elevated in the presence of prostate enlargement, prostatitis, or prostate cancer. PSA test involves drawing blood and then sent to a laboratory. The result is due in few days. Biopsy is the only to positively identify the presence of cancer
Most doctors would agreed that PSA level goes beyond 4 ng/mL might need to get another PSA test or get biopsy if the men has a family history of prostate cancer.
Besides PSA score increased through age, African American men have a higher PSA level compared to Caucasian. In the past, scientists found that PSA levels were just naturally higher in African-American men, the threshold standard were adjusted so it would not created false positive result. With the advancement of genetic tools and analysis, researchers have found that PSA levels accurately predict prostate cancer risk for African American men. [1] [2]

Frequent ejaculation abrades your prostate, bulbourethral glands and urethra and induces extra production of prostaglandin-E2 for swelling and burning. A swelling prostate and urethral duct causes you to experience urination difficulty after ejaculation. This is why some men experience post-ejaculation pelvic or prostate pains and precum/semen leakage in the post-ejaculation state. Middle-aged men, seniors, and sexually exhausted men will experience a longer recovery (refraction) time. If your recovery time is longer than 48 hours and you ejaculate every 48 hours you will keep your PSA and prostaglandin E-2 level high all the time.

Excessive sexual activity, over-masturbation and prolonged sexual fantasy lead to overproduction of androgen hormones, causing adrenal and sex organ fatigue, and excess release of dopamine to maintain prolonged sexual arousal. Since dopamine is the precursor to the stress hormone epinephrine (adrenaline), excess dopamine results in the adrenal glands overproducing epinephrine and putting the body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight stress.

At the same time, norepinephrine is synthesized from dopamine and released from the adrenal medulla into the blood as a hormone, along with the stress hormone cortisol. Epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol fuel the fight-or-flight response, directly increasing heart rate, triggering the release of glucose from energy stores, and increasing blood flow to skeletal muscle. All of this has a severely taxing effect on the body.

If you suffer from elevated levels of PSA as a result of over-ejaculation, stop sexual activity for a few weeks. Let your body rest and replenish. Then you can come back to it with a lower frequency. Change your diet and consumes foods that are beneficial to your prostate. If you are experienced various prostate enlargement symptoms, such as weak urinary stream, incomplete feeling of emptying the bladder, getting up frequently at night to urinate, pain around prostate area, and continued dribbling of urine, you need to take herbs from a specialized formula, Aztec Secret Formulation For Urinary & Prostate Control.


  1. ^Morgan TO, Jacobsen SJ, McCarthy WF, Jacobson DJ, McLeod DG, Moul JW. Age-specific reference ranges for serum prostate-specific antigen in black men. N Engl J Med 1996;335:304-310
  2. Veda N. Giri, Brian Egleston, Karen Ruth, Robert G. Uzzo, David Y.T. Chen, Mark Buyyounouski, Susan Raysor, Stanley Hooker, Jada Benn Torres, Teniel Ramike, Kathleen Mastalski, Taylor Y. Kim, and Rick Kittles. Race, Genetic West African Ancestry, and Prostate Cancer Prediction by Prostate-Specific Antigen in Prospectively Screened High-Risk Men. Cancer Prev Res, 2009.
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观看次数: 90


笔记编号: 60866

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