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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
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His Testicles Shrunk Significantly to a Child Size

He blamed his lost libido on his overweight wife. He is suffering from shrinking and hardening testicles, weak erections, and low sperm count.

Case #: 45024


Before my marriage I had been masturbating excessive and have no problem with erection or ejaculation. After 6 years of marriage, my sex life with my wife had stopped. Due to her weight problem, I lost the desire to have sex with her anymore. Because of my religion and other issues, I can’t divorce her and have sex outside the marriage. Recently, my testicles have shrunk significantly. The sizes of my balls are like 10-years old boy. My doctors suggested a test. The sperm count test indicated I have low sperm count. I was put on different prescription drugs. None of them helped. I lost my sex drive and erection. I am devastated. If I try to masturbate, I will have slight pain on the left testicles. I am extremely frustrated and worried that this is the end of my sex life and my manhood.


First of all, you need to address your marital problems. A loving marriage results in great sex life. You can help your wife’s weight problem by working out a diet and exercise plan with her to reduce the weight. With your encouragement and participation, we are sure she will found a motivation to shred those extra pounds.

From the information you have given me, it's difficult to know precisely what is causing all of your symptoms. There are many factors that can cause your testicular shrinkage, which includes:

  • Varicocele – Swelling of the veins that drain the testicle. It can prevent normal cooling of the testicle.
  • Infection – STD, inflammation of the testicle due to mumps
  • Over Masturbation – sexually exhausted with reduction of testosterone
  • Prescription Drugs – various prescription drugs can impair sperm production
  • Anabolic Steroid – many bodybuilders have shrunk their testicles by taking anabolic steroids.
  • Tumor – pituitary tumor and other cancers affecting hormone production
  • Other factors included: undescended testicles, hormone imbalance, sperm duct defects, genetic defects, retrograde ejaculation, Celiac disease, pesticides, exposure to radiation, heavy metal toxin buildup, alcohol abuses, tobacco smoking, vitamin deficiency, overweight, aging, and bicycling.

Most likely your testicle shrinkage and low sperm count were caused by inactive sexual activity for a while, sexual exhaustion due to over masturbation, and low testosterone level. Try Testicular Massage to stimulate your testicles for more blood flow. Try Ways To Increase Your Natural Testosterone, so you can boost up your sex drive, produce more sperms, and produce more nitric oxide for harder erection.

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Views: 79


Blog ID: 60777

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