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It's Not All In Your Head, Because It's Coming Off Your Head

Here we have a letter from a guy who used to masturbate quite a lot, and has managed to cut down to a more reasonable frequency. However, he is still suffering from side-effects, such as premature ejaculation and sleep disorders, and he is very concerned with persistent hair loss. What's going on? Read on, get the facts, and find out what you can do if you face a similar problem.

Case #: 782


I've masturbated at a very young age up to 5 times a day, but that has stopped to 2-3 times a week. However, I have a very big problem. I still have hair loss or let’s say I don't have any regrowth. This is the main problem and also, I’m ejaculating too early (I'm very sensitive at the glans) and I'm waking up several times in the middle of the night .I also made penile exercising like jelqing or stretching, because I want to have a bigger penis but they didn't work much. I just want all my problems to go away and then I will worry about a bigger penis.


Once you figure out masturbation, it can be very difficult to give it up. After all, you aren't hurting anyone, are you? It feels good, eases your tensions, and it doesn't cost anything. Or does it?

The Ride Is Never Free

Ejaculation costs you biological mass, just like a runny nose or a bleeding wound, but the more important costs are the ones you can't see so easily. Your entire body goes through a series of complex biological processes in order to achieve and sustain an erection, as well as ejaculate and give you the “afterglow” feelings. Those processes involve several organs working at far beyond the levels they reach during everyday non-sex-related activities, neurons putting out lots of neurotransmitters and glands producing lots and lots of hormones.

If you've been maintaining appropriate nutrient intake, exercise practices and sleep cycle (as well as only ejaculating once every two days at most), this is perfectly fine. However, like any other machine pushed too far beyond its normal limits, when you ejaculate too much (especially if your diet is poor, you don't exercise and don't get enough sleep) your body will start to break down.

Mechanic's Report

Two hormones: DHT and prostaglandin E-2, are the culprits for your hair loss. Normal levels of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) are what helps maintain your male secondary characteristics, such as deeper voice and facial hair. Too little and, ironically, you'll lose a lot of your body hair but your head hair will be as thick as ever. Too much, on the other hand, shrinks and destroys head-hair follicles. It also contributes to your sleeping problem, premature ejaculation due to the onset of prostate problems and several other complaints.

Prostaglandin E-2 helps dilate your blood vessels. However, too much of it can cause your other tissues to swell into inflammation. It winds up doing the opposite of what it's supposed to do: your blood vessels are now constricted. Your hair follicles are already being attacked by excess DHT, and without access to fresh nutrients or a way to get rid of waste products, they'll die off.

This effect is also to blame for your other problems. For example, slight inflammation in your brain prevents it from releasing melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate your sleep cycle (among other tasks), on a regular basis.

List Of Repairs

You've already cut your masturbation down a lot, but your body still hasn't recovered fully from the 5-a-day habit. Therefore, your smartest move right now is to go without ejaculating for at least three solid weeks. Beyond that, you would be very wise to improve your diet, such as eating more fresh vegetables (cauliflower, pumpkin seeds and spinach), nuts like almonds and pecans, and foods with high zinc and B-Complex content (such as cheese, eggs, liver and yogurt).

Find an exercise regimen for more of the rest of your body to increase your testosterone production, and make sure it's something you can stick with. A gym membership would be great if you need personal coaching and camaraderie, but the most important part is doing something at least twenty minutes per day, two or three times each week without overdoing it. Something as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible can help. Your health-care provider will be able to give you more specific advice based on your particular medical needs, but be sure to ask about any foods you can eat to help regenerate your liver and restore its blood-filtering abilities.

While you explore those options, you should consider using an all-natural herbal supplement designed specifically to assist your body recover its capacity to grow head-hair.

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观看次数: 89


笔记编号: 60566

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