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Herbal Hair Loss Solution & Hair Follicle Regrowth

Matt was 22 when he experienced signs of severe hair loss. Old pictures showed the progression of his condition. Pillow casings demonstrated the severity of his problem, while the back of his head had a silver-

dollar sized bald spot. Matt felt self-conscious. He was a 22-year-old man who looked 42. He researched hair treatment solutions. He spoke to other bald males. He even looked into buying a high-end toupee.
Matt’s problem is an issue millions of males deal with on a daily basis. Millions wish to hide the problem with hats and toupees, while thousands more look for permenant solutions. Few understand the major problem of hair loss: the death of hair follicles. And while hair follicles can die from old age and toxins in the body, excessive masturbation can too cause hair loss.

Masturbation and Balding Link

During stressed and exhausted states, the body secretes an abnormally high amount of glucocorticoids, cortisol and DHT. Exposure and accumulation of these metabolites can cause inflammation in the liver that may kill off hair follicles. And because masturabation accelerates the production of these metabolites, men who excessively masturbate may start to see bald spots at a young age.[1] [2] 

The supplements formulated with rejuvenating herbs can reduce the amount of glucocorticoids, cortisol and DHT, while easing liver stress that affects hormone production and nutrient consumption. By improving liver function, DHT can be inhibited, preventing the harmful chemical from attaching itself to hair follicles. [3]

Solution Highlight
Solution Number: 460
Age: Young adult under 35 years old
Causes: Sexual exhaustion with disrupted hormonal level and high level of DHT binding to hair follicles
Chief Herbal Ingredients: Astragalus Membranaceus, Cuscuta, Dong Quai, Fenugreek, Fo Ti, Ginkgo, Morinda, Mucuna Pruriens, Muira Puama, Pyrola, Shilajit, Suma
Helpful For:
  • Promotes blood circulation under the scalp
  • Reduces thinning hair and hair loss
  • Blocks excessive DHT from binding to hair follicles
  • Enhances hair and follicular growth
  • Activates hair follicle growth factors
  • Inhibits the excess secretion of the sebaceous glands
Herbal supplementation formulated based on healing chief herbal ingredients:
Why This Botanical Formula Works

The remedy overcomes premature baldness and stops current hair loss due to over masturbation. For hundreds of years, Chinese Medicinal textbooks have documented the benefits of Fo-Ti, Astragalus Membraneous, Cuscuta and Ginkgo Biloba; together these herbs promote bioenergy at the scalp to facilitate hair growth. It was only recently that scientists were able to figure out the exact molecular mechanism involved.[4]

Genetic Explanation 

Molecular research has demonstrated that herbal exacts can promote hair growth by inducing genes and enzymes related to hair follicles. In fact, both quantity and size of hair follicles increased during related animal studies.[4] [5]

Stop DHT – Hair Follicle Killers

In addition, Cuscuta, Pyrola Calliantha, Shilajit, Dong Quai and Pfaffia Paniculata in this formula act as 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors that prevent testosterone from metabolizing into DHT. Reducing DHT and maintaining adequate testosterone in the body will too help men recover from symptoms of sexual exhaustion.[6]

Don’t Let Your Hair Follicles Die Young

By taking herbal supplements and massaging the scalp in a circular motion, your silver-dollar shaped bald spot may stop growing. Some men prefer to massage their scalps while taking a shower. If you do massage your hair, don’t wash your hair with hot water. Hot water opens up the pores and allows bacteria and oil shedding to enter. It’s also a good idea to wear a hat to protect your growing hair follicles from UV damage.
Remember, disproportionate thinning hair and a reduced hairline at young age may be an indicator of sexual aging. If you find yourself searching for solutions like Matt, don’t hesitate to take immediate action

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 60526

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