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Paying The Price In Hair

For years, this guy has been relieving his stress the old-fashioned way: sexually. So why is his hair falling out? Read on and understand how his sex-drive is writing checks, but his hair is cashing in...

Case #: 757


I am 41 & have always had a high sexual appetite. I have the following conditions:

  1. Have trouble sleeping (and relaxing)
  2. Become drained of energy
  3. I have eye floaters: These are visible to an eye doctor. I also feel that I am sensitive to sunlight. If I spend too much time in the bright sun, my eyes feel like they have been 'sun burned'.
  4. I am losing hair (going bald)

Is it possible that too much sex /masturbation can result in problems such as these? Can you recommend any solutions to remedy any of the above?


Our girlfriends have all complained to us that we have no idea what it's like, knowing that they'll cramp and bloat and bleed and generally feel like they've been beaten up on the inside for three solid days each month. And it's true. The male body doesn't have the same demands that female bodies do. At least, not on a monthly cycle.

Men Don't Bleed Down There... Or Do They?

What the ladies forget... and most guys do the same, if they bother to consider the idea at all... is that ejaculations and orgasms do take a toll on the body. Think about it: each ejaculation produces a volume of fluid with a wide array of dissolved nutrients as well as sperm cells. Sperm cells themselves are incredibly complex, as they are independently mobile and capable of navigation to seek out a viable egg cell (as opposed to randomly flying off in all directions). Your body has to manufacture all of that, which uses up your body's store of “building blocks”, and depletes the supply available for other functions.

And that's just the “bullets” you're shooting. The process of ejaculation and orgasm also puts considerable wear and tear on the liver, adrenal glands, and other important internal parts that help maintain your life and health. Fire too many rounds too fast through a pistol and it'll soon get too hot to handle; even after it cools, the mechanisms may need to be repaired or replaced.

So Why Is My Hair Falling Out?

Your body normally keeps a certain amount of testosterone in your bloodstream all the time. Aside from directly regulating your mood and the growth-rate of your skeletal structure, it also performs other functions after being changed into other things. Most notably, DHT or dihydrotestosterone. It's a “supercharged” form of testosterone, but don't fall into the trap of assuming that “more” and “more potent” equal “better”.

If your DHT levels are too high, such as when you're emotionally stressed or your body hasn't recovered from your most recent orgasm, you may notice your hair thinning; excess DHT will ramp up your body's production of hydrogen peroxide or H2O2 . Yes, the stuff that they use to bleach hair, which is the real source of the “stark raving terror equals bleached white hair” legend; and if you don't calm down it will start to kill your hair follicles off completely. A bad testosterone balance will also affect your sleep cycle, which in turn will affect your energy level.

What Can I Do?

First things first: throttle back on your sexual activity. No need to jump in a cold shower every time you feel sexually aroused, but your body needs a break from all the “stress-relief” you've been getting. (SEE: DHT Stabilizer for Hair Regrowth) You should also exercise regularly and eat more raw cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli, which helps keep your body from turning your testosterone into estrogen too quickly. You might also consider using an herbal supplement, designed to help block excess DHT from choking off your hair follicles as well as stimulating new hair growth.

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观看次数: 98


笔记编号: 60351

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