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Symptoms of Sexual Exhaustion

He suffers from a gamut of different symptoms, from hair loss, premature ejaculation to impotence, problems caused by sexual exhaustion.

Case #: 29544


I love sex. I love it so much that I engage in it whenever I can—with whomever I can. Except I tend to suffer from one exasperating problem: I ejaculate prematurely. I ejaculate prematurely in every sexual encounter. It makes for a very embarrassing scenario—especially when my partner wishes to climax too. I want to mention too that I masturbate frequently. I do it as much as 3 times a day. Could my excessive masturbation have anything to do with my premature ejaculation?


You seem to be on the right track as to why you continue to prematurely ejaculate. Excessive masturbation, especially for years, can lead to a common condition called sexual exhaustion. For young men, it is not uncommon for them to want to masturbate and engage in sex often. The problem occurs when sex and masturbation combine into an unhealthy mixture.

Masturbation is…bad?
Sex is one giant chemical reaction. During the process, neurons, blood vessels, hormones, and brain signals work in unison to power your erection. When any one of these processes fails during the act, the result can cause a slew of sexual dysfunctions, from weak erections to premature ejaculations.

Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation depletes the brain's acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin levels, neurotransmitters that power an erection and control an ejaculation. Once the body experiences low levels of these neurotransmitters, you will start to notice a multitude of sexual dysfunctions occur, from weak erections to premature ejaculations to even hair loss.

Fighting Sexual Exhaustion
Sexual exhaustion is caused by your incessant need to masturbate. Your desires have placed you in your current position. You need to stop masturbating as often to allow your body to recuperate some of the essential neurotransmitters it has lost. In addition, you should consider taking all-natural supplements (SEE: Herbal Remedy For Sexual Exhaustion & Dysfunction) to help your body regain stability. These products are designed to enhance your immune system and refine your sexual abilities.

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Views: 170

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 60335

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