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When it's Hard to Get Hard – The Trouble with Low Testosterone

Low testosterone isn't simply a problem that affects older men. Even young guys can feel the sting. Find out what causes low testosterone, and see what you can do about it.

Case #: 526


My boyfriend just turned 32 and he has experienced penile erection problems for most of his entire sexual life. His problem is that he can get it up, but he can’t keep it up. This is an occasional problem, but it occurs often enough to where it creates a problem with our sex life. We love each other and are attracted to each other, but he sometimes just can’t keep it up. Is there anything that we can do as a couple to help remedy this problem?


Your boyfriend is showing classic signs of low testosterone. Since the problem has been occurring for most of his sexual life, we can rule out the natural testosterone decline that comes with age. You see, testosterone is what makes a man, a man. It's the hormone responsible for male sexual function, and without an ample supply, your boyfriend is going to feel as useless as a kid with a broken toy – but I take it you already know what I'm talking about. Soft erections are just the tip of the iceberg.

Testosterone – The Magic Ingredient in Male Potency

Without getting super technical, testosterone is the steroid hormone that aids in the development of reproductive tissue in the testicles and prostate. But what actually causes a seemingly young, healthy guy like your boyfriend to have low testosterone? There may be a number of issues at work here:

1) Too much sex or masturbation. When a man spends too much time on the sexual tilt-o-whirl, those testosterone reserves are depleted, without ample time to recharge. It's like spending all day on your smartphone and then trying to take it out after you've only charged it for 30 minutes. Those angry birds aren't going to shoot very far before you have a dead unit on your hands.

2) Type 2 diabetes. Does your boyfriend have a family history of type 2 diabetes? He might want to get checked out. Low testosterone can be one of the early warning signs. Medical professionals have long known of the correlation between diabetes and low testosterone, but if it turns out that he is pre-diabetic or diabetic, he may be able to get his sexual dysfunction under control with a change in diet and regular exercise.

3) Excess weight. Is your boyfriend a little soft around the middle? Research has shown that people with a high body mass index (BMI) tend to suffer from low testosterone. Your boyfriend may just need to spend less time on the couch and more time on the hiking trail.

4) Natural causes. That's right. Sometimes the human body is just cruel. Based on your description, there's a very good chance that your boyfriend just has naturally low testosterone. If that's the case, you may want to recommend a tribulus remedy.


Tribulus terrestris is a plant that contains natural biomolecules, which have been found to stimulate the enzymes that produce testosterone. A concentrated tribulus solution should help to get your boyfriend's testosterone back to near-normal levels. That means harder erections, and more mind-blowing sex. And that's something we can all get behind.

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Blog ID: 60282

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