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Abnormal Discharge, Vaginal Pains, and Irregular Menstruation: What Do They Have in Common?

There's nothing wrong with masturbation. However, as one woman with excessive cervical progesterone demonstrates, not everyone can masturbate as often as they'd like without physiological consequences.

Case #: 845


I am a 20 yr old female. I have been masturbating for the past 4 years, sometimes using weird stuff, including anything that could pressurize my vagina and excite me. Recently, I have started secreting a white thick fluid, and I secrete it all the time. It stains my clothes and is becoming a persistent problem. The secretion stops if I stop having erotic thoughts. Also, my periods are very irregular, and once in a blue moon, I even skip a period. Docs say that this is because of my low weight; I am 46 kg (20 yrs, ht: 5' 4"). Additionally, once in a blue moon, I have an acute pain in my vagina, but this is very rare. Am I in serious trouble? I don't know who else to ask, so please help me out. I hope it's not too late, because I wish to have lots of children and a happy married life. Also, please tell me if it is wrong to masturbate.


Masturbation is not wrong. Within reasonable limits, it's a normal, healthy activity. It's also a good alternative to depending on a partner to satisfy your every sexual whim, which isn't always feasible, since two people can't always want the same thing at the same time. Masturbation should not be a source of guilt or shame. However, it's possible to get too much of a good thing.

Several factors, including age, health, and hormone balance can affect the amount of time it takes for your body to recover and replenish lost resources after sex or masturbation. Sexual activity at too high a frequency for your unique physiological constitution can result in sexual exhaustion. In combination with progesterone imbalance, which could put you at a higher risk for sexual exhaustion, this could very likely be the cause of your abnormal discharge, irregular menstrual cycles, and occasional vaginal pains.

Sexual Exhaustion and Progesterone/Estrogen Balance

The body requires a delicate balance of estrogens and progestins for normal ovarian function, which helps regulate a broad range of sexual health functions. In some women, even a slight imbalance in these hormones can cause problems. A common cause for excessive white vaginal discharge is an overabundance of the steroid hormone progesterone in the cervix, which can stimulate cell shedding in the cervix and uterus.

Combined with elevated levels of prostaglandin E-2, an inflammatory hormone, this can lead to an abnormal volume of thick, white secretions from the vagina. Excessive vaginal discharge can become problematic, as it puts you at a higher risk for infection.

The release of prostaglandin E-2 is triggered by stress on bodily tissues. Unfortunately, the friction and nerve stimulation that occurs during sexual activity and orgasm qualifies as a form of stress. Frequent sex or masturbation can deplete your body's reserves of prostaglandin E-1, which works in opposition to prostaglandin E-2 to resolve inflammation. My guess is that the rare vaginal pains that you experience occur when there is not enough E-1 available to offset the inflammatory affects of E-2, which is one of the mechanisms behind sexual exhaustion.

Regain Control of Sexual Exhaustion Symptoms

When you see symptoms of sexual exhaustion, it's very likely that you have been overextending your body's reserve of nutrients for months or years. Depending on the severity of this depletion, it may take several months to recover. You will probably need to impose strict limits on sex and masturbation for a while, and pay close attention to your body in the future to make sure it gets the rest it needs between sexual encounters.

While you implement these lifestyle changes, you can research and use natural herbal supplements to help balance hormone ratios and rejuvenate stressed tissues.

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观看次数: 81


笔记编号: 60054

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