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Infertilidad masculina
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Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
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Gratifying feedback on Fantasia Remedy

He was glad that Fantasia Remedy has helped him so much to recover from chronic fatigue and soft erection problems

Case #: 45105


The sexual exhaustion information and many techniques posted on this website site truly have changed my life. I have seen with my own eyes how so much of sex education on the topics of masturbation can be misleading and the far-reaching effects of following it. I am glad that Fantasia Remedy has helped me so much to recover from chronic fatigue and soft erection problems. Would the result be permanent?


Glad to hear about your recovery. If you can control the frequency of masturbation, the result should be long lasting. Many medical communities refused to accept excessive masturbation is harmful. It is true that masturbation is a healthy act of sexual activity, but addicted and abused it, certainly affected the body tremendously. As a result, people continue to suffer in other ways from their underlying illnesses, and their doctors prescribe more erectile drugs as a temporary fix with adverse side effects.

Many solutions posted are from various experts, holistic practitioners, acupuncturists, chiropractors, herbalists, yogis, and alternative medicine experts. These solutions also are well-documented in classical Chinese medical philosophy, Ayurvedic medicinal teaching, personal experience, and modern western cellular-biochemistry and advancement of herbology.

Alternative medicine is often based upon treating and addressing the underlying causes of those symptoms. Herbal extracts are gifts from the nature. Many herbal remedies embedded with bio-energy that resonated and harmonized well with our body.

One of the missions for this website is to educate people and correct harmful over masturbation behavior so that no one will suffer in the future.

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Views: 108


Blog ID: 60034

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