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Fired Up Too High

After masturbating, this guy felt a little something odd in his penis. Then... PAIN! All over and within his genitals, legs and even serious headaches. What could be causing this? And more importantly, how can he fix it? Read on, get the facts, and find out what you can do if his symptoms sound familiar.

Case #: 973


I am 27 year old male. I was masturbating vigorously about a year ago and felt a slight popping sensation in my groin. After I felt the pop I finished up my business and thought nothing of it. About 2-3 days later I have experienced pain in my groin and testicles, scrotum rash, tingling sensation in groin, pain down the inside of my legs, low energy, severe headaches, all more so after masturbating. I have seen 3 urologists and nothing has helped, not even pain killers. Is this an injury, a STD or a simple case of over-masturbation? If it is over-masturbation, what would you recommend to heal my pain? Thanks for any advice.


Unless you've grown up with a chronic health condition, you've gotten used to the idea that your body is going to work right whenever you need it to.

Agony After Ecstasy

You've also settled into believing that injuries come from the outside in; meaning that if you've broken your arm, it's because you fell on it wrong or something external happened to it. When it comes to this malfunction of your genitals, it's easy to be mystified. You've masturbated before, and nothing like this has ever happened, right? The trouble is that this is something that has been building up over time, but you haven't noticed it until all hell broke loose.

Major System Breakdown, But Where?

Despite the pain in your genitals, the problem is more widespread than that. Excessive masturbation doesn't just abrade the skin on the outside of your penis, it can actually damage glands throughout your body, up to and including in your brain. Getting yourself from non-aroused to ejaculation and orgasm looks simple from the outside, but that's because all of the complex procedures take place down deep, where you don't have to consciously think about them. Nutrients get converted to hormones, glands and organs get pushed into far higher levels of activity than normal, and your neural network has to keep it all running smoothly.

In your particular case, your problem is a combination of hormonal imbalance and a seriously damaged prostate gland. Your brain can't manufacture enough dopamine to fulfill its other needs, because the precursor nutrients are being used by your adrenal glands to produce epinephrine, more commonly known as adrenalin. This overproduction of epinephrine has made your body overproduce prostaglandin E-2 and continues to do so.

This hormone normally works as to dilate your blood vessels, especially the ones in your penis that form your erection. Too much of it can make the tissues around your blood vessels swell up and crimp the blood vessels like a garden hose, decreasing the flow. There are substances that counteract it, such as prostaglandin E-1 and E-3, and gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), but your body currently can't manufacture them fast enough.

Fixing The Factory

The first and most important step is to reduce your sexual activity, both alone and with a partner, as much as possible for at least three solid weeks. Even if you do nothing else, this will give your body time to start the recovery process.

Next, try to improve your diet. Eating more fresh vegetables in general is a good choice, but you should also look for foods rich in zinc and B-complex vitamins; cultivate a taste for oysters, as they meet both these requirements. Other good foods are pumpkin seeds, eggs, broccoli and cheese.

Try to adopt a moderate exercise program that you can participate in between three and four times per week; that's the optimal level of activity to build up your testosterone without burning most of it off again.

Your general-practitioner health-care provider will be able to help monitor your progress as well as offer some suggestions. While you examine these possibilities, you should consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement designed specifically to help repair the damage caused to your nerves and tissues from injuries like this.

Despite the sudden onset, this condition did not appear overnight, and so recovery will take some time, as well. Patience and persistence will get you through it.

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观看次数: 90


笔记编号: 59873

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