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Side Effects from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome – Heavy Menstrual Flow

Tubal ligation triggered her perimenopause-menopause transition symptoms, including long, heavy periods. Prescribed birth control pills have led to vaginal dryness and yeast infection.

Case #: 40809


My wife had her fallopian tubes clipped so we don’t enjoy sex without worrying having more babies. After that she started having heavy periods, usually more than 10 days. Her doctor gave her pills for it. It helped a little, but made her sluggish, quiet, prone to thrush and yeast infection. She is not proactive to sex anymore.


She is in a perimenopause-menopause transition state as a result of tubal ligation (also known as tubectomy). Tubal ligation can disturb the vagal nerves in the ovaries, thus reducing production of oxytocin, an important hormone and neurotransmitter released during hugging, touching, and orgasm. At the same time, there is an accumulation of eggs and a disturbance of sex hormone production, namely estrogen, progesterone, androstenedione, testosterone and DHT, leading to excessive amounts of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2. All of this can result in a collection of symptoms known as Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS)

Many women are suffering from PTLS that have similar symptoms like perimenopause, women can also experience irregular menstrual flow and duration. Some women have a short period; others get heavy menstrual blood flow. Some women become too wet and others too dry. It is normal for you to experience these symptoms after tubal ligation until you reach your actual menopause around age 50-55.

Keep in mind, if a woman undergoes tubal ligation at the same time of childbirth, she may mistake the resulting psychological and physiological changes caused by tubal ligation as being a result of childbirth.

A woman who has undergone tubal ligation can expect to have a long-term peri-menopause/menopause transition until her hypothalamus-pituitary function can no longer produce a significant level of the reproductive hormones FSH and LH to stimulate the ovaries.

Try the herbs suggested in Heavy Menstrual Flow Remedy to put a stop on the heavy period. It has Shepherd’s Purse that can help tone down the uterine bleeding quickly by constricts the blood vessels.

Hormonal Realignment & Detoxification Solution have potent herbs that can empower your pituitary-ovarian axis by naturally boosting oxytocin production without stimulating LH and FSH and augmenting your acetylcholine, serotonin, and GABA nervous functions to calm your inflammatory state.

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Blog ID: 59258

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