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Never experienced multiple orgasms due to vaginal dryness

A 26 year-old woman wants to achieve multiple orgasms and avoid vaginal dryness after the first orgasm.

Case #: 45090


I am a 26 year-old woman and never experienced multiple orgasms before. I usually, become very dry after first orgasm. Some doctors indicated in books and magazines that it’s very normal to just have one orgasm. But I feel something is missing. I don’t found myself fulfilling with just one orgasm.


Yes, at your age of 26, you should be able to achieve multiple orgasms without experiencing vaginal dryness. You can have multiple orgasms as long as your pituitary does not release excessive amounts of the hormone prolactin, which shuts down your sexual desire and natural vaginal lubrication. Your pituitary gland should release more of the neurotransmitter oxytocin and less prolactin to shorter your refraction time.

Consider how the body operates during normal sexual activity. The adrenal glands and sex organs produce androgen hormones which stimulate sexual function and the production of female hormone estrogen. The hypothalamus releases the neurohormone dopamine which results in sexual arousal. When you feel sexually aroused, the brain releases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into the bloodstream in the sex organs.

But somehow your hormonal regulation is slightly off and estrogen went depleted right after the first orgasm. Also a cascade of biofeedback mechanisms were triggered to prevent you from arouse again physiologically and psychologically. It becomes an emotional toll for women with similar condition.

Herbs from Advanced Botanical Formula For Vaginal Dryness can help you tremendously. The formula can help your pituitary gland releases the hormone and neurotransmitter oxytocin to induce a sense of sexual satisfaction after sex or orgasm.

Healthy pituitary gland also releases the hormone prolactin to repress the effect of dopamine, thus reducing sexual arousal by decreasing the levels of estrogen in women. Another word, it makes sure estrogen is not depleted and secretes lubrication to prevent vaginal dryness. Herbs in this formula will also help you power up the nitric oxide production for shortening your refraction time and to prepare you for multiple orgasms.

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Blog ID: 59211

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