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Working Out Wrong

A guy's previous experiences with exercises he thought would enlarge his penis have had the opposite effect. What went wrong? Read on, get the facts, and see what you can do if you're in a similar position.

Case #: 901


I used to do jelqing and other penis enlargement exercises but stopped about a year ago. Now I just do squeezes occasionally. When I stop doing them, my erection isn't as big. Should I stop completely?


For most of recorded history, the penis has been poorly understood.

Wrong-Headedness About Your “Little Head”

Very few people could understand how it could be amazingly pliable when flaccid, and then grow to a much larger size when aroused. But almost all men were interested in increasing that size, which had led to far more unfortunate incidents and permanent damage than success. Unlike almost every other mammal on the planet, the human penis has neither bones nor muscles, which means that it cannot be increased using the same kind of techniques that work on a man's other limbs.

Hydraulics Versus Mechanics

Your arms, legs and neck move by contracting muscle fibers. Your muscles become stronger when you exercise through carefully damaging your muscle-fibers and then rebuild them to generate greater force. Your bones become stronger through making tiny cracks in them, then providing your body with extra calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and other nutrients necessary to rebuild your bones in a slightly more durable way.

Your penis, by contrast, achieves erections through a complex series of biochemical/neurological events that center on filling the corpus cavernosum and corups spongiosum tissues with blood, then keeping it there until you have ejaculated. There are various ways of forcing more blood into those tissues, but unless those techniques work by adjusting your hormonal balance, you're risking the loss of at least some of the erection size you already have.

Chemistry Inside Your Erection

There are several hormones and chemicals necessary for establishing and maintaining your erection, regardless of the size you already have. The most important ones are:

  • Dihydrodestosterone (or “DHT”) is responsible for triggering your erections. Too much of this stuff will not increase your penis size, but will make you start to go bald.
  • Nitric Oxide (which is NOT the same as the Nitrous Oxide drivers use to speed up their cars) also triggers your erections.
  • Prostaglandin E-1 maintains the suppleness of all your tissues, so that they can all bend and stretch while still “snapping back”.
  • Prostaglandin E-2 dilates your blood vessels to get the blood into your corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum faster; note that too much sex without enough recovery time and nutritional resupply may leave you with too much of this one, which can decrease your penis size.
  • Prostaglandin E-3 is the stuff that makes your blood vessels smaller, essentially reversing the effects of E-2.

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

It is possible to make your penis bigger, slowly but surely. We encourage you to discuss the matter with your health-care provider, to get an expert opinion on your progress and to help make adjustments if necessary. There are exercises that actually work, like Penile Ballooning. The most important element if you choose to use it is to do no more than the recommended maximum number of repetitions, for no more than the maximum recommended duration, because to overdo it may cause damage that reduces improvement or makes your penis even smaller. We also recommend that you consider using an all-natural herbal supplement designed specifically to repair the damage to your penis. (SEE: Penile Damage & Injury Herbal Formula)

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观看次数: 77


笔记编号: 59183

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