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PMS and Menstrual Cramps: The Joys of Womanhood

This study concerns a young woman who is besieged by menstrual cramps. At times, her pain is so intense that she refuses to move. She is fearful of medication and would prefer a solution within the world of natural remedies.

Case #: 542


My worry is that I will never have a normal life. The pain keeps me from doing everything that I want to do. I can’t sleep, read, study, have sex or even enjoy the company of my friends anymore. The days that I stay in bed, I spend it crying because of the pain. Please help me find a way to treat this issue so that I can be a healthy and happy young woman again.


PMS is a formidable adversary

You’re overwhelmed by menstrual cramps, which affect every aspect of your daily life. You’re not alone in your plight. According to New York gynecologist Dr. Carol Livoti, “More than half of women who menstruate have some cramping for one or two days each month, and 15 percent have severe menstrual cramps.” Cramping, as a symptom of PMS, occurs in 20-30 percent of women.

PMS brings with it a host of unpleasant side effects, including painful menstrual cramps. While some women get the “whole enchilada,” which includes: bloating, irritability (surprise, surprise), cramps, headaches and fatigue! Cramps, however, can be terrible and overwhelmingly painful.

The bloating, headaches and fatigue are bad enough, but they are easily mitigated with medication; no magic pill exists for cramps. Cramps are actually contractions of the uterine muscles, which enable the shedding of the bloody uterine lining. Hormone-like substances, which are released when the lining breaks away each month, cause the pain and inflammation.

Why are Women so Lucky?

PMS is an enigma because of the wide range of symptoms and the difficulty in diagnosing each one. Doctors believe the condition is the result of changes in hormone levels and neurotransmitters in the brain. Mood changes surrounding menstruation have been recorded since ancient times, but it wasn’t until 1953 that the term premenstrual syndrome was coined to address all of the symptoms associated with it.

Apart From Suicide, What are the Options for Pain Relief?

There are some non-medicinal aids that can promote pain relief. Some yoga poses, like the cobra or bow poses, for example, target the pelvis and the lumbar region, which often bear the brunt of inflammation during menstruation. Consider too that old-fashioned hot water can warm and relax the muscles in the lower abdomen to bring some relief.

Ibuprofen, as an over-the-counter medication, can help with short term cramps as well, but taking them long term can hurt your kidney really bad. Addressing hormonal imbalances require the realignment of the body’s hormonal production, which can be achieved via herbal remedies (try herbal solution for PMS-Pretty Miserable Syndrome).

Consider these alternatives to reduce your pain and discomfort during your menstrual cycle.

You deserve it!

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Blog ID: 59177

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