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More White Vaginal Discharges After Drinking Alcohol

I have a white discharge from my vagina. And it gets heavier after alcohol consumption.

Case #: 36732


I have a white discharge from my vagina. And it gets heavier after alcohol consumption. Some of the days, it got really itchy and can’t enjoy sex like before.


You're suffering from vaginal discharge that is exacerbated by alcohol consumption. Under normal healthy conditions, the vagina has some amount of secretion that helps keep it moist. Some increase in vaginal discharge takes place during excitement, sexual activity, masturbation, anxiety, between two menstrual periods, the day just before a period, during illness, or when a woman is physically worn out. However, vaginal discharge becomes a problem if it increases so much in amount as to stain clothes daily, if it is purulent or bloodstained, or causes itching, soreness or a burning sensation in the area.

The vagina is kept healthy by doderlein bacillus, a bacterium found in the vaginal tract that prevents infection by keeping the pH acidic. If you wash yourself too often with medicated soaps and detergents, you change the pH, making your vagina vulnerable to infection. Excessive use of deodorants and chemically-treated compounds often leads to fungal infections.

Alcohol consumption can compound this problem. Your excessive white discharge is due to an excessive amount of the sex hormones progesterone and estrogen and a deficiency of androstenedione and testosterone. When alcohol overloads the liver and numbs sexual arousal, estrogen and progesterone become too high due to a drop of the liver enzyme 17-alpha-hydroxylase and a jump of the liver enzyme Aromatase. A deficiency of 17-alpha-hydroxylase will reduce progesterone-androstenedione conversion; a rise in aromatase will increase the conversion of androenedione and testosterone into estrogen. As a result, your estrogen and progesterone levels in your uterus and cervix jump while the androstenedione and testosterone levels drop. Your cervical mucus becomes very heavy and white and your vagina produces a heavy lubricant to expel the white mucus. The mucus contains a lot of progesterone and other nutrients that feed vaginal yeast.

To control the excessive vaginal discharge, VRD Formula I which featured many essential herbs that beneficial for your liver function, neuro-endocrine function, and enhance liver function for detoxification.

Good hygiene may prevent unhealthy vaginal discharge. Rinse soap from your outer genital area after a shower, and dry the area well to prevent irritation. Wipe from front to back after using the toilet to avoid spreading fecal bacteria to your vagina. Use a male latex condom to help avoid infections spread by sexual contact. Wear cotton underwear and pantyhose with a cotton crotch. Avoid wearing underwear to bed, as yeast thrives in moist environments.

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Blog ID: 59044

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