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The Misery of a Male Misfire

A sexually-experienced guy suffers from an embarrassing disfiguration of his scrotum. Medication has relieved it somewhat, but now he has to deal with pain, weakness and other difficulties. What's going on? Read on, get the facts, and find out what you can do if these symptoms remind you of someone you know.

Case #: 930


I masturbate and had sex for about 15 years almost every day until 2 months ago. I got hydrocele and the doctor gave me 3 weeks of Ciprofloxacin. It helped me with the testicle pain but when I have sex or I masturbate my ejaculation it’s with abdominal pain and feeling that I not completely emptying with weakness in the lower extremities and pain, constipation. I remember 1 time in those 15 years I got blood after ejaculation, I have anxiety stomach spasm. Thank you for your time, let me know what technique or product can help me.


Most guys' sex life suffers from a very common misconception about sex: it's free.

It's No Mystery

Even masturbation has a price, though not one you normally pay for with money. The process of achieving an erection and sustaining one long enough for an orgasm requires a cascading series of events, all of which put at least a little wear and tear on your body. You use up nutrients in manufacturing semen, rev up your glands to produce hormones, and send lots of energy through your nerves to keep the whole process running properly. Your body can handle the demand, but loses the ability the longer you go without resting and replenishing and refueling.

Tracking The Leads

Pain is your body's way of letting you know that something's wrong. Unfortunately, sometimes you need a little more information than a simple “it hurts here when I do this”. For your specific case, you're likely to have a combination of running low on some things (acetylcholine, serotonin and prostaglandin E-1), with far too much of some other things (epinephrine and prolactin) for comfort.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter, which means that it's how signals get transferred from your nerves to your muscles; excessive masturbation makes it more difficult for your body to keep up with the demand. Serotonin is another neurotransmitter, but its functions include perception of pain; insufficient supplies leave you feeling more pain, not less. Prostaglandin E-1 is a hormone that makes your blood vessels tighter (“vasoconstrictor”) and helps relieve the problems caused by excess prostaglandin E-2.

Epinephrine is a dual-purpose molecule (both a hormone and a neurotransmitter) that helps keep your heart rate and blood pressure under control. Too much of it may lead to headaches, tremors, and even tachycardia, which add up to an anxiety/panic attack. Prolactin is a protein/hormone that contributes to post-orgasm euphoric feelings, but too much of it can lead to impotence because it also reduces your body's ability to manufacture Nitric Oxide, which is the chemical that actually fires up your erections.

Prostaglandin E-2 makes your blood vessels wider (“vasodilator”) but too much of it can make the tissues around your blood vessels (such as the muscles in your abdomen) swell up with inflammation and crimp the vessels into a smaller diameter. Swollen tissues in your rectum or along the large intestine may also contribute to your constipation.

Wrapping Up The Case

Your best first step is probably the most difficult: go without sex or masturbating for as long as possible, up to three weeks or so. This is a lot like closing down an amusement park at the end of the day so the staff can clean up the litter, run maintenance work on the rides, and re-fill the concession stands; it's necessary so everything works properly and the guests have a good time when the gates next open.

Once you've started that, you should talk with your health-care provider about changes to your diet and exercise cycle. You should probably eat more fresh vegetables, like tomatoes and cauliflower. Oysters, wheat bran and roasted pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of zinc, while whole grains and meats replenish your supply of B-complex vitamins; your body expends all of these nutrients and more during ejaculation, so you need to re-stock as quickly as possible.

A moderate exercise program that you practice three to four days per week (in this particular instance, your bedroom activities do NOT count) will also help regulate your hormone levels and flush toxins out of your body. You may also consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement, designed specifically to help repair the accumulated damage to your nerves from all that sex without letting your body recover.

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观看次数: 86


笔记编号: 58956

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