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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
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Marijuana – The Wrong Herb for a Healthy Sex Life

Do you consider yourself a heavy drinker or habitual marijuana user? Be careful, because your chemical dependencies may just kill your sex life. Learn one man's unfortunate story, and see the warning signs of drug-related sexual dysfunction.

Case #: 444


I am 25 years old. I have been masturbating since the age of 14. I would hold an ejaculation back three or four times. At the same age, I started jelqing exercises. Later, I began drinking, and smoking marijuana and cigarettes.

I have since reduced the amount I masturbate, replacing the activity with sex. Still, I smoke and drink on a regular basis. I have sex almost every night. And now, the first session I can maintain an erect penis, but I cannot orgasm in the subsequent sessions. When I smoke, the left side of my scrotum feels better if I can obtain an erection.

What do I have to do to at least be half the man I was? Is there any way I can have sex without having to ejaculate so many times?


Cause Research:

Youth impotence is no laughing matter. You're in the prime of your life, and you should be enjoying the kind of endurance and virility that those of us older folks only remember (though sadly the memories are growing a bit hazy).

For starters, stop the jelqing exercises before you do any more damage. These stretches are ineffective and extremely dangerous. Second, ease up on the alcohol. We all enjoy the occasional whiskey, but the consequences of alcohol abuse go much deeper than soft erections. My biggest concern is the marijuana use, and I'll tell you why.

Reefer Madness – A Recipe for Sexual Dysfunction

We've all seen the hilarious propaganda footage from “Reefer Madness”: Iconic images of children losing their minds and restoring to extreme psychosis and cannibalism! Unfortunately, the anti-weed campaign has been so ridiculously melodramatic that it's tempting to just disregard as some maniacal moral crusade.

Hysteria aside, habitual marijuana use has consequences. For instance, marijuana alters the brain chemistry and can damage the organs. If you're 21, the effects are especially problematic because your brain is still developing.

Every time you indulge in that satisfying THC rush, your body raises its level of prostaglandin E-2, a natural muscle relaxer. Too much of his hormone slows down the blood flow, and inflames and constricts the arteries.

Let the Healing Begin

So let's get real for a moment. Do you want to restore your healthy orgasms, strengthen that spaghetti erection and relieve the pain and soreness between your legs? There is hope for you yet, but it's going to require a bit of sacrifice and self-control on your part. Go easy on the alcohol, kick the weed habit and knock off the dangerous penis-stretching exercises.

If you have noticed considerable physical damage, add a botanical remedy to your daily regimen, preferably one that promotes healthy prostaglandin levels and improves blood flow to the penis. Useful herbs include Cuscuta, Cornus, Alima Plantago, American Ginseng and Milk Thistle (more on herbal treatment). Lastly, remember that healthy sexual function isn't just about caring for your penis. It's about caring for your entire body. Treat it well.

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Blog ID: 58630

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