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Erections Going Soft? It May be Time For a Cold Shower

He complains that he has a problem "feeling" anything... and he watched Hustler for hours...

Case #: 402


My boyfriend is 47 years old and I am 41. He complains that he has a problem "feeling" anything because I am "too wet". But I really don't think this is a big part of his problem. I think that he just can't get hard enough to achieve the "feeling" that he is describing he needs.

Another problem I believe is the fact that he seems to be obsessed with the Hustler channel. He is constantly watching it and almost always insists that he needs to be watching while we are having intercourse or when I am giving him oral sex! Any suggestions.


Sounds like your boyfriend may be dealing with sex addiction.

Everyone loves having sex, but too much of a good thing can actually be pretty bad – and I'm not just talking about chaffing.

Too much sex can “deplete the reserves,” so to speak, and your boyfriend's weak erection is a tell-tale sign of too much sexual release.

The Science of Sex Addiction

Nature is so cruel. For example, sugar tastes great, but it also causes a wide range of health problems if enjoyed in excess. Likewise, the orgasm is like no other sensation in the world. Needless to say, it's an experience we would all like to revisit again, and again, and again, and again...

Some people really take this notion to heart, and whether through constant sex or compulsive masturbation, they end up unwittingly causing harm to their bodies.

It's like this: when you have sex, your body releases a cocktail of inflammatory chemicals. When these chemicals are released too often, it can lead to some negative side effects. In men, these side effects include weak erection, sexual exhaustion, premature ejaculation and even Prostatitis. As it turns out, sometimes it really is better to just take a cold shower.

The Porn Link – Say it Ain't So

One of the biggest culprits behind sexual addiction in the 21st century is pornography. In today's world, you can just click on a web link and access an endless array of high-definition videos to satisfy every conceivable fetish under the sun.

For many guys, the convenience is just too much, and what starts out as an occasional escape gradually evolves into a constant, compulsive need.

It becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a normal sex life as the fantasy world takes over. Research shows that constant porn viewing can have a tremendous impact on a person's brain chemistry, ultimately having an adverse effect on one's ability to experience normal sex.

So What's the Solution?

The good news is that there are some herbal remedies that show tremendous promise. Like all sensations, addictive impulses are triggered by chemicals in the brain.

Certain herbs, like Periwinkle, Salvia Root, Sacha Inchi and Alisma Plantago, can help sex-addicted individuals to manage these impulses while also promoting strong, healthy erections. Check out some of the herbal solutions that contain these ingredients, and bring the fireworks back into your sex life.

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观看次数: 86


笔记编号: 58591

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