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Disorders of the Nervous System Cause Her to Feel Leg and Abdomen Cramps During Orgasm

When she reaches orgasm, she experiences cramps that extends from her leg to her abdomen. The pain, caused by a weak parasympathetic nervous system, persists for some time. It is recommended she take an herbal remedy to relieve her cramps and help her enjoy sex.

Case #: 705


When I reach my orgasm or climax, my right leg cramps and becomes very stiff. The cramps go all the way around my waist, and they last a long time. Is this normal?


Pain or cramping experienced during sex should never be dismissed as normal. Either signifies that something is wrong with your body or amiss with your sex life. Certain sexual positions, specifically the missionary position, can certainly contribute to leg cramps.

Shortcomings in your diet, such as a potassium deficiency, can also cause cramps. In your case, you have a weak parasympathetic nerve system that does not allow your muscles to relax as they should.

The Female Body and Orgasm

Now might be a good time to review what happens to the female body during orgasm. Sure, it causes waves of pleasure that lap and beat against each other until a woman can’t remember where she is, but real physical changes also occur. These changes begin with arousal, when muscles tighten and breathing quickens. The clitoris grows and vaginal walls widen as blood rushes to the pelvic area. All of this is in anticipation of intercourse and the ultimate release - orgasm.

Right before orgasm, the clitoris shrinks to protect it from damage. Meanwhile, heart rate and blood pressure continue to rise. At the point of climax, muscles throughout the body repeatedly contract. Those in the vagina are most noticeably felt, although contractions also occur in the uterus, anus, and legs. Breathing is ragged, and arms and legs tend to be visibly shaky.

Nervous Systems and Orgasms

The contractions felt during orgasm serve a useful function: to propel semen into the vagina and increase the likelihood of getting pregnant. This explains why so many muscles throughout the female body tense during sex. After the excitement of orgasm, muscles normally relax and leave a woman in a state of bliss. A muscle cramp, which can last from a few seconds to an hour, occurs when the contracted tissue does not ease. Leg cramps in particular are quite common.

The parasympathetic nerve system (PNS) helps to relax sphincter muscles and slow heart rate. But a weak PNS can cause the sphincter to remain constricted, which in turn may lead to cramping in the buttocks, thigh and calf. It’s important to remember an intense orgasm can also cause large muscle groups – like those in the back and legs - to tighten and cramp. Stretching after sex might help relieve your pain, but you might have to exercise and condition your body to strengthen the muscles.

Understanding Abdominal Cramps

Abdominal cramps can occur during and after orgasm, again, because of muscle tension. Orgasm causes contractions of all pelvic floor muscles, from the anus to the genitals. It is possible for the muscles to become so tense that they cramp before relaxing. In addition, contractions from the uterus during orgasm can produce cramps not unlike those of PMS. Your pain is likely to be more severe at different times of the month, such as when you’re ovulating or just before your period, because of fluctuating hormone levels.

Stop Cramping and Feel Better

Despite the cramps you experience, there is no reason why you can’t enjoy sex to its fullest potential. An herbal remedy will help you do just that by relieving the pain that occurs during orgasm. Look for cramp bark as a particularly important ingredient. This herb comes from an ornamental shrub and contains antispasmodic oils. It is highly effective for reducing uterine contractions and can also reduce leg cramps.

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Blog ID: 58496

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