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You are the Weakest Leak - Enlarged Prostates and Leaky Penises

Two years after prostate surgery, he found himself leaking from his penis, even to the point where he had to wear adult diapers. See why this happens, and find out what you can do under similar circumstances.

Case #: 685


I had surgery for an enlarged prostate about two years ago. Lately I've been having problems peeing before I can make it to the toilet. It started out as an occasional leaking and now it happens for most of the day. I've had to resort to wearing adult diapers. Could the surgery be related to my problem? Need help.


Urinary incontinence is no laughing matter, but it actually affects millions of men in this country alone. The embarrassment of not always making it to the restroom can really take a toll on your quality of life.

Even simple activities like going to the movies can become seemingly impossible, as you never know when you’ll have to race through the auditorium like Indiana Jones being pursued by a giant rolling ball. Obviously we need to get this problem under control.

Why Your Penis is Like a Defective Faucet

There are certain medical terms that make guys cringe. “Enlarged prostate” is definitely one of them (“Herpes Simplex” is another one, but that’s another story). Your enlarged prostate definitely provides a valuable clue as to what’s going on here.

It’s worth noting that an enlarged prostate may very well be the cause of your problem—surgery aside. A prostate is both conveniently and inconveniently connected to your urethra, and if it’s larger than it should be, you may find it extremely difficult to control your urine.

Additionally, the surgery itself may be a contributing factor, even if the prostate enlargement was successfully treated. Like any procedure, a prostate surgery carries a wealth of potential side effects, including erectile dysfunction, dry orgasms, and retrograde ejaculation, and yes, even urinary incontinence.

If you can’t get the problem under control on your own, you may want to speak to your doctor. Before you take drastic measures, though, there are natural ways that you can restore healthy prostate function.

Take a Lesson from the Aztecs

There are some highly effective Aztec formulas that treat prostate enlargement and provide relief to men who have undergone prostate surgery. These remedies contain herbs like Dianthus, Flax Seed, Patrinia, Pumpkin Seed and Pygeum, and have provided relief to millions of men. I would encourage you to try one of these solutions for yourself.

While you’re at it, you may also want to incorporate some Kegel exercises into your daily routine. Kegels have proven highly effective for treating urinary incontinence, and they’re extremely easy to perform.

Start by finding your urinary sphincter (it’s the muscle that you use to hold or stop the flow of urine), then do three sets of 10 exercises per day, whereby you clench the muscle for a slow count of 5, before releasing it for another 5 seconds. Before long, you’ll be back to enjoying 2-hour movies at your local Cineplex, without a care in the world.

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Blog ID: 58493

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