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Out, Damned Spot! The Flower that Stops Spotting and Starts a Normal Cycle
Ah, to be a woman. We enjoy some of the greatest perks—good service, free stuff, the ability to procreate—but also a disheartening amount of issues—sexism, infighting, and menstruation. And not only is our period a regular feature at the party in our pants; besides the cramping, bloating, crankiness, acne and stress that goes along with the monthly destroyed panties, but for some women, menstruation itself is uncertain, can strike at any moment, or not come at all—for no comprehensible reason.
Not Normal
My friend Lisa was one of these women. She’d had uncertain periods since she was a teenager. Sometimes they would come; sometimes she would go one or two months with no sign of Aunt Flo, when all of a sudden she would be caught in the middle of a day trip or during a weekend of backpacking. When her period did come, she was completely struck down, with cramping so heavy it was all she could do to crawl into bed and stay there for a few days.
“I went to the doctor,” she said, “and he told me I could start taking birth control. For a month? I asked. For how long? For the rest of your life, he said.” Lisa couldn’t imagine taking birth control for so long, she’d already had negative experiences with it before, such as weight gain and emotional disruption. “I walked out of the office and figured that I’d just deal with it, somehow. I thought, maybe it’s a good thing to only have my period every so often”.
Unbalanced Bleeding
The reason behind spotting and irregular menstruation lies behind hormonal imbalance. The body needs the proper balance of both estrogen and progesterone in order to correctly create an egg, build a home in the uterus, drop the egg down for fertilization, and flush it all out if fertilization does not occur.
Many women contain unbalanced levels of these hormones, either due to an inherent hormonal imbalance from thyroid problems or other chronic instances, or through the use of birth control, or simply through exposure to our current environment, which has the multifarious ability to alter our hormonal nature, read: plastics, petroleum-derived products, etc.
A Friend In Need
I met Lisa several years later, during one of my periods. The topic came up naturally, of the irritation and stress that goes along with menstruation. After hearing about Lisa’s problems, I was so surprised that she had continued to live under such circumstances, and hadn’t looked for other solutions. “There are so many herbs that can help you,” I protested, “Have you tried any?”
In the Flower of Health
I began by recommending Passionflower. It’s a powerful herb that has been proven to contain a large percentage of isoflavones. Isoflavones are a type of plant chemical that have a very interesting effect on the human body. These isoflavones indicate the presence of phytoestrogens, a compound that can act inside the human body as a hormone does. Although the name itself contains the word “estrogen”, the substance might act also as progesterone or testosterone.
Herbs with phytoestrogenic properties are truly a godsend for hormonally imbalanced women. (TRY: Natural Solutions For Irregular Menstrual Periods) Because they can treat a dearth of hormones in more than one sector, they’re a highly practical solution for a woman who doesn’t want to begin a course of birth control or hormone replacement therapy. The phytochemicals have about twenty percent of the strength of the normal hormone molecule, so the risk of overdose is quite low, and the dosage itself is easily modulated.
Happy Results
Together, Lisa and I researched Passionflower supplements, and soon she was on a regular dosage. After about three weeks, Lisa had her period, and stated that she was not nearly so affected as usual—she could continue her day-to-day activities, without being crushed under cramps.
After her menstruation ended, she didn’t experience her usual spotting, and about four weeks later her period returned, with even less painful symptoms than before. How wonderful that a simple flower could have such a positive effect on a woman who had resigned herself to a life of uncertainty and pain!

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Views: 191

Ideas: Women's, PMS Problems, irregular menstrual cycle

GuideID: 62655

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