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Stimulating Your Sensual Side – How You Can Treat Depression With Sex
The rigors of daily life can really take their toll on a person. You may get so wrapped up in your stresses and responsibilities that you find your brain assuming full control over your body. You go from being a “human being” to a “human doing” because of the overwhelming pressures that tie an anchor to your neck. You're not alone. According to Heathline, severe depression impacts 1 in every 10 Americans, and the number of diagnoses increases by 20 percent every year. Additionally, women are twice as likely as men to suffer from serious depression.
If this sounds like an all too familiar narrative, you may be surprised to learn that sex is one of the most effective natural remedies for depression and stress. According to WebMD, sex and intimacy can improve your happiness and reduce anxiety. That's because sexual arousal promotes an increase in endorphin production, leaving you in a heightened state of well being. So next time you're feeling blue, perhaps you'll want to skip the fatty comfort foods and spend a night in the hot tub with someone special.
Additional Benefits of Sex
The benefits of sex are tremendous. As WebMD notes, your orgasm has the power to improve your pain threshold because hormones are released into your body. Sex can also reduce your blood pressure; improve your sleep (this is a very common issue for depression sufferers); prop up your immune system; lower your heart attack risk; and even reduce your likelihood of contracting certain cancers.
When Depression Inhibits Sex
Now I realize, of course, a paradox exists here. A “catch 22,” if you will. Sex may reduce your depression, but sometimes depression can impede on your sex life. It kills your libido and can quite literally leave you feeling dry. For women especially, it's not exactly easy to achieve an orgasm when sex is indulged out of sheer necessity. Without losing yourself to the experience, you're never going to achieve the optimal mental health benefit, so how do we remedy this issue?
If possible, try to let the intimacy build slowly. Spend time with your partner, hold hands, enjoy a relaxing massage, and tease each other a bit. This may give you the short-term libido boost that you need to get the motor running. A number of herbal preparations exist that improve libido by raising key hormone levels and improving blood flow to the genital region.
Here's to Your Sexual Health
Whatever you need to do, get it done! A healthy sex life can add valuable years to your life, and it may even save you a fortune on antidepressants down the road. Treating your internal conflicts has never been so pleasurable, so by all means, break out the oils, put on some classical music, close the curtains, and make some magic.
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GuideID: 62639

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