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If You Want To Keep It, You Have To Put A Ring On It: Keeping Your Erections Happy
Are you experiencing some slight erectile dysfunction, but you don't deem it sever enough to take a pill or use a stamina cream?
Tales Of Old And New
I've always dated older men. Not because I have some sad 'Daddy' complex, but because I like their maturity level. I feel like I've always had a much higher level of maturity than my peers, and men my age usually act more like they're just turning sixteen, not twenty-six. Usually I will only date about six to ten years older than my current age, but there was this one time where...I didn't.
When I was just turning twenty-one, I ended up dating a forty year old for about five seconds. We actually had a lot of similar interests, and only had sex once. Luckily, I did learn some pretty valuable information when we finally did end up in bed together one night.
Once Upon A Time
That night, just as we were all ready to go, if you know what I mean, he stopped out of nowhere and turned over to reach into his night stand for something. After a few seconds of fiddling around in that drawer, he produced, what looked like a very large, beveled wedding ring.
At first, I really had no idea what it was, so when he then proceeded to thread both his penis and scrotum through the ring, I was very confused and concerned.
Thankfully, he quickly explained to me, once he saw the utter confusion splattered across my face, what exactly he was trying to achieve with this mysterious ring. He was a purist you see. He didn't believe in taking a pill or using some balm to keep his erections in tacked, so instead he used a cock ring.
This Kind Of Ring
Cock rings are an extremely inexpensive way to keep your erections going. (SEE: Cock Rings for Diabetic Men's Erections) They are especially helpful for men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction because of their diabetes. Typically, diabetics are able to achieve an erection, but they are not able to sustain one throughout an entire sexual session.
This type of bodily reaction occurs because diabetes has the ability to leave nerves and muscle functions that lie within the penis and prostate very damaged.
Your erections mainly run off of two factors, blood circulation and testosterone. However, a diabetic’s body is not able to circulate the amount of blood it needs to power and sustain an erection. It's kind of an either, or type of deal. Using a cock ring during sex will trap the blood within the penile shaft chambers throughout the duration of your sexual session, and until you decide to take it off.
Age Plus Diabetes
As we grow older, we begin to see our body take on more and more changes. And as men grow older, the chance of experiencing some sort of erectile dysfunction becomes more and more predominant. A seventy year old man with diabetes has a 95% chance of also experiencing erectile dysfunction. So if you'd rather not bother with pills and potions, the cock ring is most definitely the way to go. And of course, if you ever feel pain or discomfort while using your ring, stop having intercourse and remove the ring immediately.
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Views: 205

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, diabetes

GuideID: 62631

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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