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Stop the Vicious PMS Cycle
PMS is a huge bummer. After my second child, my symptoms seemed to double in intensity. I went from enduring a typical menstrual cycle--cramps, headaches and a few weepy moments—to becoming a homicidal maniac. I wanted to strangle my husband at times. I wanted to spank the kids. I even wanted to yell at coworkers.
I wanted blame the kids, but it was the hormonal changes that were at fault. I even asked myself, “Could I be suffering from an estrogen imbalance?” I even went as far as thinking that I would never find respite from my issues.
Despite the headaches, the often erratic moodiness, it was the cramps that I hate the most. My cramps would leave me bedridden for hours at a time. Exercise was impossible. Even going to work seemed like a challenge because of my cramps.
Menstrual Cramps Are Evil
I was once told that menstrual cramps were God’s punishment to Eve, and all women, for tempting Adam with the apple from the Tree of Knowledge. If that’s true, I’m really not sure why it’s my problem. Eve did it—not me! So why should I be punished?
Whatever you believe, menstrual pain is real! For some of us, cramps are just a minor health issue; others, a debilitating affliction. As a teenager, I remember missing school because of nightmarish cramps; as an adult, I missed work because of the issue. 
After having my kids, my estrogen levels constantly changed. Sometimes, my PMS symptoms were bad enough to include migraine headaches, spotting and even lightheadedness. Other times I dealt with minor cramps and headaches. Whatever the severity of the issues were, I wanted relief—and fast!
Herbal Cures and Home Remedies
My days popping over-the-counter pills are over, especially since the medicine did little to allay the pain. Most over-the-counter drugs destroy the liver, while developing addictions to the medicine. Instead, I have adopted taking all-natural formulas for solace from these debilitating cramps.  Thank goodness for ingredients such as Cramp Bark and Chasteberry that work together to minimize my pain.

These formulas keep my husband from being strangled—and me out of prison. While my kids continue to tell me, “Mommy, we’re happy you’re not angry any more!”

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观看次数: 122

专辑号: 62496

专辑类型: 知识百科

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