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Too Quick To Draw: Suffering From Premature Ejaculation
If you've ever been with a man that was quick to orgasm, you know just how sexually frustrating it can be. There's nothing worse than being so close to climaxing you can practically taste it, and then all-of-a-sudden...He's finished before you had a chance. If this happens every blue moon or so, you really have nothing to worry about. Maybe, you've been away from each other for a long period of time and he's just so excited to be with you again.
Or maybe he's not that sexually active, it could be his first time. However, if premature ejaculation touches your life each and every time you engage in intercourse, you could have a problem on your hands.
Busting It Like The The First Time
On the flip side, believe me ladies, it's no walk in the park for the men either. Prematurely ejaculating can leave a man deeply embarrassed and confused. I'm sure they don't want to seem like they have no control over their orgasms. And I'm sure they don't enjoy it when insensitive women call them out on it.
If you've ever been with a man that was quick to orgasm, you know just how sexually frustrating it can be. There's nothing worse than being so close to climaxing you can practically taste it, and then all-of-a-sudden...He's finished before you had a chance. If this happens every blue moon or so, you really have nothing to worry about. Maybe, you've been away from each other for a long period of time and he's just so excited to be with you again.
Or maybe he's not that sexually active, it could be his first time. However, if premature ejaculation touches your life each and every time you engage in intercourse, you could have a problem on your hands.
Busting It Like The The First Time
On the flip side, believe me ladies, it's no walk in the park for the men either. Prematurely ejaculating can leave a man deeply embarrassed and confused. I'm sure they don't want to seem like they have no control over their orgasms. And I'm sure they don't enjoy it when insensitive women call them out on it.
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Views: 214

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation, Herballove

GuideID: 62485

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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