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Intimacy During a Common Cold
Each winter, a bear will enter a state of hibernation. Each winter, your sex life will do the same. The frigid temperatures will place a burden on sex for one major reason: the common cold. And because the average adult contracts two colds per year, while kids six, the risks of getting sick remain high and the chances of having sex, low.
Most individuals who contract a cold will give their partners a common courtesy and avoid all contact and intimacy. While this common courtesy may lower the risk of transmitting a cold, studies have noticed that couples may not be at such a high risk. Before you take off your clothes and hop into bed with your sick partner, you’ll want to understand a few things. 
The Three-Day Wait
Always remember to observe the three-day rule if you or your partner have a lingering cold. According to reports, the cold virus remains most contagious during the first three days; afterward, the virus tends to experience a decrease in its potency. If you and your partner contract a cold, practice the three-day wait prior to engaging in sex.
The Kissing Issue
You’re less likely to contract a cold from kissing; you’re more likely to catch a cold from handshaking. Why? Well the tongue and the stomach tend to kill off most bacteria that can cause infections. But the nasal cavity does not contain the same chemicals to kill off bacteria before they spread to the rest of the body.
When you touch your hands riddled with bacteria and grab your nose, the bacteria will spread. When you touch your bacteria-riddled hands with your tongue, the saliva in the mouth and the acids in the stomach will destroy the bacteria. So while kissing may seem contagious, really, it’s not as bad as you might think.
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Views: 196

Ideas: Men'sSexual Wellbeing,Women'sSexual Wellness,Common Cold

GuideID: 62441

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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