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Keeping Healthy for Your Partner

Long-term relationship experts constantly evaluate the traits for successful marriages. Among the most important traits, security, comfort, mental stability and communication rate the highest. The least important include attractiveness and body image. Most individuals in long-term relationships agree: Attractiveness and body image do not weigh in as important traits for a successful relationship. While individuals may admit that security and stability prove more important, psychologists from Psychology Today report different claims.
According to reports, men and women in meaningful, successful relationships find attractiveness and body image a key to happiness.
Why? Because partners in relationships understand an important fact: Your body does not belong to you, but to your partner too. Even the Bible seems to agree: “The husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife,"(I Corinthians 7:3-5). Attractiveness and body image will play a critical role in your happiness during a long-term relationship.

Skipping the Gym

Marriage is not an excuse to skip the gym. Most people who get married get comfortable. They consume higher calories, skip gym sessions and pack on pounds. After a few years of marriage, you slip into a state of tranquility, sucking down beers and devouring greasy, fatty foods. Couples who notice this increase in weight start to notice the following:

  • Decreased confidence
  • Diminished levels of attractiveness
  • Decreased sex drive because of weight
  • Lowered sexual satisfaction

Couples who stay in shape discover the benefits of a healthy body, including:

  • Improved sex drive and satisfaction
  • Elevated levels of confidence and happiness
  • Enhanced sexual stamina and endurance

As you venture further into your relationship, it’s easy to make excuses to skip a day of exercise because of work-related stress, kids and exhaustion. Learn to maintain an exercise routine to keep yourself sex and attractive for your partner.

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GuideID: 62336

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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