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Too Much Fun Can Lead to Poor Memory and Exhaustion

Smile if you masturbate. Most people will smile and admit that yes, they do masturbate. As with all vices, over indulgence can lead to severe consequences. Excessive masturbation can lead to poor concentration, sexual exhaustion, and memory problems. Excessive masturbation can also lead to decreased sensitivity of the G-Spot and Clitoris, or over stimulation that can cause premature ejaculation for men.

How Excessive Masturbation can Damage Your Thinking  and Lead to Irritation

Think of the body like a gas tank. The nutrients help power the body.  Once the tank runs on empty, depression and mood swings set in. Concentration becomes impossible. Sleeping becomes difficult. Even basic, everyday tasks become cumbersome to complete.

During sex, the body produces stress hormones that can trigger cascades of enzymatic biochemical reactions that affect the chemistry of the brain. Once the body accumulates enough cortisol, mental and sexual exhaustion set in because of the lack of serotonin levels in the brains. Individuals should refrain from ejaculating too much and allow the body to heal naturally. Individuals looking for an herbal boost may try the  Mind Nutrition For Positive Thinking formula to help balance cortisol and serotonin levels.

Loss of Concentration and Inability to Manage Tasks

Over masturbation can lead to inflammation of the nervous system coupled with the accumulation of harmful, pro-oxidant proteins that cause inflammation and destroy brain cells.
An individual’s thoughts and emotions directly affect the state of a person’s physical health. For people who suffer from mental and sexual exhaustion, the same neurotransmitters and neuro-hormones located in the frontoparietal section become depleted, altering the ability to prioritize and concentration. 
When a person is mentally exhausted, his brain and body cannot handle the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenalin, which can alter his ability to make sound judgments and decisions. Many young adults with mental and exhaustion problems often score low in exams, even after hours of studying. Worse of all, negative thoughts tend to be greater for exhausted minds. Negative thinking can sprout insecurities and mental discomforts that can lead to bad judgment. If your will power is not able to quickly remove any negative thoughts, you need to take Mind Nutrition For Positive Thinking, a botanical supplement designed to replenish neurotransmitters and brain nutrients.

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Views: 194

Ideas: Men'sOver Masturbation, Women's, Female Sexual Exhaustion

GuideID: 62125

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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