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Her long-dormant sexual volcano ERUPTS! - How to reinvent a tired sex life

Among the many challenges modern couples face is how to deal with the sense of boredom that eventually emerges to plague a marriage. Often stemming from a developed reluctance to partake in sex is a growing feeling that romance has become routine. The partners find themselves emotionally distant. Usually, the male will seek sexual release through porn. It’ll be him and his computer in a locked room. In extreme cases he may even stray from the marriage. The female typically reacts in any one of a wide variety of responses. She’ll find pleasure with the use of a vibrator, or she, too, can find a liaison outside of the marriage. Most often, the woman simply withdraws, dismissing the issue and becoming sexless. That is, until one of them gets the idea to spice things up….
Many men and women find that foreplay or other methods of intimacy outside of traditional intercourse can increase excitement and pleasure before or aside from sex. Most women love to be ‘warmed up’ by stimulation of the vaginal area from her partner’s fingers. But where do they go from there? Put it in, cum instantly, while she lay unsatisfied in an awkward atmosphere?
I’d like to review a special method that has become quite popular among sexually active couples. It’s quite simple, and quite fun. The only thing required really is a sense of adventure. It’s called the Finger Pliers Method.
Also known as ‘2-point excitation’, Finger Pliers is performed with two fingers; slip one in the vagina and apply the other one onto the clitoris, and form a pair of ‘pliers’ with the two (see illustration). ‘Close’ the pliers with approximately three pounds force, compressing the clitoris, urethra and upper wall of vagina.
Apply a cream or gel around the clit to increase sensitivity and help stimulate blood flow to the genitals. Move and rotate (screw) the pair of flesh pliers forward and back (in and out) of her pleasure zone. Once the vagina tents (expands), the thrusting speed should be increased from the rate of about 1.25 cycles per second to a faster 2.5 cycles per second. Typically, it will take her only about two minutes to completely erupt. Using this method, orgasm can occur literally in any place or time - even without the removal of clothes.
Did you know that a male’s orgasm could have a direct effect on a woman’s pleasure? By combining the finger-pliers method with his ejaculation (with contains the stimulating prostaglandin E1 and E2) she will erupt in ecstasy. This combination method is also very useful for a lot of physically hindered people, such as the handicapped, seniors, or those who simply do not have time for a long love session or are in an inconvenient place.
He first makes her reach an orgasmic state with the finger pliers massage and then ejaculates into her Epicenter. This technique is designed to trigger the ‘eruption’ of her ‘sexual volcano’. If the male ejaculates prematurely, before he has a chance to hit the epicenter, it’s no cause of worry. By simply pulling the penis out of the vagina immediately, applying the Finger Pliers to make her achieve orgasm quickly, the same results can be achieved. Just plug the penis back into the vagina, and use the residual erection to thrust within her. She’ll see fireworks. There’ll be no difference between the eruptive orgasms produced by this PE ‘rescue’ method than those of the standard 2-point excitation method. Her vagina fills with the thick, hot semen’s prostaglandins and is so well lubricated that she will not be able distinguish the penis from the fingers.
Once sexual excitement is mutually renewed, take the thrills to the next level by adding medicinal herbs with aphrodisiacal qualities. Specially concocted herbal formulas will keep bedroom antics fresh and exciting. For him, the Herbal Male Libido Formula or the Herbal Treatments For Poor Erection & Premature Ejaculation will not only increase his stamina, his lust for libido and sense of sensation will surge. For her, Natural Clitoral Revitalization or Female Fantasia Formula will have her screaming for more. Also, there are Culinary Aphrodisiac Foods and Aromatherapy For Romance that can produce wondrous effects of intense sexuality.
Instead of letting intimate coldness get out of control, surprise your partner with some new tricks. Who knows, it could save your relationship!

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Views: 244

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive, Orgasm Difficulty

GuideID: 62023

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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