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Hormone Imbalance Effects on Female Reproduction

Besides aging, a gradual decline of a woman’s reproductive system can be caused by a wide array of factors. An abundance or deficiency of hormonal secretions, environmental factors, smoking, poor diet, and body weight may all contribute. As a result of any of these, an imbalance of estrogen may occur. This will not only make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant, but it can cause cramps, irregular menstrual cycles, and abnormal flow. Basically, the reproductive system may be adversely affected, and it’s the imbalance of hormones that may be responsible for the negative impact.
Exposure to certain enviroments can trigger agitation of reproductive health. A smoky surrounding, particularly if the woman is a smoker herself, has proven to be of detrimental effect. Exposure to chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and industrial solvents may also affect estrogen levels, thereby contaminating the tissues in the reproductive system.
When hormone levels fluctuate, mood, sexual desire, fertility and ovulation are most certainly altered. Each month, the female body produces the hormones estrogen and progesterone. When their levels do not balance, a dramatic effect on health may emerge, which may affect the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.
Ideally, the female reproductive system produces egg cells necessary for reproduction, and transports the ova to the site of fertilization (the fallopian tubes). If fertilization does not occur, the system is designed to menstruate. Meanwhile, female sex hormones are produced that maintain the reproductive cycle. When levels of the hormones are in states of flux, disruptions occur.
There is an ancient European herbal formula aimed to restore a malfunctioning female reproductive system with emphasis on the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. It’s called the Natural Female Reproductive Tonic Formula
The special herbal blend in the popular remedy addresses multiple systems related to hormonal imbalance as well as liver detoxification and blood sugar regulation - all intrinsically linked to a healthy female reproductive system.

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GuideID: 61961

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