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Ah, Shizandra! - Meet a Beloved Friend of Females

Women love shizandra. Those that don’t probably just aren’t aware of it and it’s many benefits to the female physiology. It’s known throughout the world as a mind enhancer, beauty herb, and sex tonic!
There are over 19 species of the woody vine shrub that is most commonly grown in gardens. Until the last century, it was coveted almost solely by the wealthy. It was a favorite among the Chinese emperors, who cherished it for its ability to make their women passionate and perpetually aroused. It is adaptogenic and considered similar to the popular herb ginseng, as it is believed to increase stamina and fight against fatigue. Shizandra is also known to be invigorating, and has an ability to build stirring abundant energy in the sex organs of both males and females.
Many women reported that shizandra actually helped them to increase their sexual sensitivity by intensifying the pleasurable effects of the orgasm and the stimulation leading up to it. Women who previously had difficulty achieving a satisfactory climax later reported orgasmic success after taking such natural remedies as the Passion Kindle Formula for Orgasm Dysfunction and the Botanical Remedy For Delay & Difficulty Conception. Both share the key ingredient of shizandra. Women benefit from the synergy that is produced when shizandra is blended with the remedies’ other medicinal herbs. 
Among the most important astringent plants in Chinese medicine, shizandra is used for a wide variety of medicinal purposes; it is proven to be a powerful tonic to the brain and mind; it’s a restorative agent for people suffering from both mental and sexual exhaustion; it helps males retain their sexual release for the optimal period.
But it is perhaps shizandra’s profound effects on a woman’s sensuality that have made it a most treasured and much sought-after herb of the ages.

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Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, Over Masturbation

GuideID: 61931

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