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Controlling the Urge – Male Overactive Bladder Caused by an Enlarged Prostate
It can be the most embarrassing situation of your adult life: constantly having to go, or worse, when you can’t control it and urine leaks while you’re in public. Urinary incontinence can range from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having sudden, unpredictable episodes of strong urinary urgency. The anxiety and embarrassment caused by incontinence can lead to other debilitating secondary symptoms, such as: 
• Chronic stress 
• Depression 
• Sleep deprivation
• Anxiety
• Nervous tension
• Anger
If you suffer from an overactive bladder, you might take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. Far from it, actually. The truth is that 17% of older men suffer from varying degrees of overactive bladder. It might also ease your mind to know that there is something you can do about it.
Understanding the Problem
In order to solve the problem, you must first understand what’s going on in your plumbing down there. It’s easy if you think of it like a garden hose. Say you’re watering your garden and then the hose loses pressure. You look back to see your annoying neighbor standing on the hose. Well, the hose is your urethra and that annoying neighbor is your enlarged prostate. (And you thought he was annoying before!) Now, what happens when the water builds up and he takes his foot off the hose?
Treating urinary incontinence can be as simple as taking pressure off the garden hose. All you have to do is recognize the symptoms and then take action. There are a few different types of urinary incontinence. 
If you suffer from stress incontinence, you may experience a loss of urine while performing the following actions:
• Laughing
• Coughing
• Straining
• Lifting
• Changing posture
The symptoms of overflow incontinence, are different. They include:
• Weak urine flow
• Instances of accidentally releasing small amounts of urine
• Intermittent urine flows (stopping and starting)
• Releasing urine when you’re asleep
• Straining and feeling as though your bladder doesn’t fully empty when you urinate
• Waking up to urgent needs to urinate at night
The last form is urge incontinence, from which you may experience:
• Sudden and intense needs to urinate
• Unforeseen accidents involving the loss of large amounts of urine
• Waking up many times during the night to urinate
Getting Back to a Regular Flow
Depending on the severity of your incontinence, you have a couple of treatment options. If it’s not too severe, you can perform Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floor and P.C. muscles. They can help you get back in control of your bladder. As a bonus, they can also help you have fuller erections and longer, more intense orgasms.
However, if your incontinence is severe, these exercises might not work all along, and it might be a good idea to try the Aztec secret formulation for urinary and prostate control. It is an herbal blend that is formulated to help you:
• Maintain a longer erection
• Regulate your aged bladder issues
• Moderate DHT levels 
• Improve prostate health
• Naturally increase nitric oxide (used for prolonged intercourse)

This mixture of water soluble pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, Dianthus, Juncus, Patrinia Herb, Quercetin, and Achyranthes Root was used by the ancient Aztecs to treat bladder, kidney and digestive problems.

Potent herbs in this formula have been known to regulate testosterone levels so that it doesn’t convert into the hyper-activated form of DHT, which stimulates abnormal prostate growth and weakens the pelvic floor and bladder sphincter muscles.

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Views: 287

Ideas: Men's,Prostate Enlargement,urinary incontinence

GuideID: 58635

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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