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Sex Position: Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations introduces a friend to the action. While he’s thrusting, you’ll be providing him with Good Vibrations. Sure he’ll feel a bit hesitant at first, especially once he sees a vibrator next to his leg, but coerce him into trying this position. The added stimulation of a vibrator against his leg and testicles will give him something your hands cannot provide him.
Ladies, you can use your vibrating friend with almost any position. You may want to try it with Top Him Off or with Barrel of The Gun to further his enjoyment. Men who remain resistant will eventually cave in and welcome a vibrator to the sex party.

Why She’ll Love It:

Versatility is the key to Good Vibrations. You can use your vibrator to pleasure him. Applying light pressure to his testicles will be sure to excite him, while massaging yourself as he thrusts in and out creates an even better sensation.

Try mixing and matching where you apply pressure with a vibrator. Try your clitoris. His testicles. His inner leg or your inner leg. Hell, try it on your nipples to see your stimulation threshold peak.

Why He’ll Love It:

Vibrations on your testicles. ‘Nuff said. If they made a vibrating device for your testicles that conveyed the manliness you required, you would buy one. Sure, telling your friends, “Hey, my girl brought a vibrator into the bedroom” will make for a cardinal sin, but keeping that secret between you two will make sex amazing.

About This Position

Sex Position Number: 133
Difficulty: Novice
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For:  Testicular Pain
Other Positions You May Like: DEEP Space Exploration
Ideal Penis Size: 5 inches+
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Low

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Views: 264

GuideID: 61923

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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