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Celebrate The Holidays: One Position at a Time
It's that time of year again! The holidays are here, and I am one stressed out lady. Between various family functions, shopping for presents, and the endless baking of cookies and cakes, my calendar is full. Luckily, my man has my best interest at heart. He realized I was in great need of some relaxation. One thing led to another and we actually ended up building a make-shift fort underneath our beautiful Christmas tree. For the past week, after I'm done with work and finished running around town like a mad woman, I love that I get to cuddle with my Honey under the tree, drink hot coco and watch old Christmas movies. 
Of course that cuddling usually leads to something a bit more hot and steamy. And when it does, we like to change up the positions a little to conform better to the living room instead of our normal love den that is the bedroom. Some positions go over more smoothly on a couch, or on the floor than on a bouncy bed with tangled sheets.
Ridding Bareback
Because my man is a cinematographer, he has developed a bad back over time. Holding a heavy camera for long periods of time will do that to you. When we have sex, I try to be very mindful of this; besides, I don't want to have to explain any funny business to an emergency-room nurse. Performing the Clitoris Cowgirl on the carpeted floor next to our Christmas tree gives him the proper support he needs to feel comfortable, and it also makes for absolutely amazing sex. Not only are you stimulated by his penetration, your man will also have easy access to your clitoris.
Ridding The Ottoman: Sex for The Couch 
The Magic Wand is designed to conform to the couch. The angle at which you lay will help your partner hit all the spots that will make you sing—or better scream—a Christmas carol. I especially enjoyed this one because of the magnificent view I got of our tree and twinkle lights. 
Down Through The Chimney
Lastly, I would highly recommend this one for those of you with a fireplace. It's Purr-Fect is ideal for oral stimulation on the ledge of a fireplace. Just be safe when burning a fire. Even I'm not ready to integrate pyrotechnics into my sex life. The heat against your naked body and his stimulating licks will arouse any woman. Plus, this position is perfect for those long, cold holiday nights.  
Have Fun and Stay Warm
The best way to keep calm this holiday season is to get down and dirty. It's also the most fun way to keep warm during those below-zero nights. This time of year can bring about incredible highs and all-time lows. Keeping those endorphins up where they need to be will greatly help anyone feeling a little blue through the new year.

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Views: 179

Ideas: Men'sLow Sex Drive, Women'sLow Sex Drive, Holidays

GuideID: 61887

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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