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Lost with Age? - Though men suffer their own form of menopause, vitality & libido may be restored

It is common for older men to essentially become disheartened as a lack of interest or desire to engage in sex becomes more prevalent. As they age, testosterone levels decrease, adversely affecting their once strong sexual urges. Besides the gradual decrease of testosterone, a corresponding increase of Sex Hormone Binding Proteins (SHBG) will contribute to hinder the functionality of the male hormone. Coupled with the fact that the testicles and adrenal glands are not producing optimal testosterone, a lower sex drive almost certainly results. This is, in fact, an entirely natural reaction to the process of ageing.
Testosterone is the key steroid hormone responsible for both male primary and secondary sexual characteristics. It increases muscle and bone mass, growth of body hair, sex drive and is the power behind the erection of the penis. During “male menopause” (the male version of the ‘change-of-life’ phenomenon), a wide array of symptoms (weak erection, loss of concentration, declining memory, moodiness, depression, reduced physical activity, chronic fatigue, anxiety and overall weakness) culminates as a host of the most obvious factors for promoting low sex drive.
Obviously, the addition of such harsh symptoms will take their collective physiological and psychological tolls, wreaking havoc on the psyches of aging men. As early as age 35, men may see their testosterone levels drop significantly, and continue as such through the subsequent decades. However, improving general health and boosting certain bodily chemicals can easily help a sufferer to overcome the problems associated with a low sex drive that is essentially the result of a sudden drop of dopamine and oxytocin production in the post-youth state.
The central serotonin and GABA nervous modulation on the hypothalamic and adrenal dopamine-norepinephrine can become too weak. As a result, excessive norepinephrine will trigger panic, premature ejaculation, sudden limpness, inflammation and high blood pressure. A low sex drive indicates a severe depletion of androgen hormone levels. There are many natural methods available to restore them, and libido. Robust herbal extracts, such as the Herbal Tincture For Male Menopause can help a man’s endeavor to become sexually active again by gradually rejuvenating his neuro-endocrine function while boosting certain prostaglandins and the production of Nitric Oxide, necessary factors for revitalization.

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GuideID: 61701

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