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Unable to Orgasm: How too Much Fun Can Be to Blame

Heavy breathing, a palpitating heart and even the tepid sweating can all signify an intense orgasm. For woman, this intense breathing and sweating can make a sexual encounter feel euphoric. While the build up and intensity can make for a pleasing experience, the lack of an orgasm can be debilitating.
Woman who cannot orgasm or orgasm only once during intercourse may suffer from what is known as orgasm dysfunction, the inability to stimulate the Clitoris and G-spot nerves necessary for an orgasm. Some woman profess that they used to orgasm; others claim they never experienced one at all. Whether you belong to the later or former groups, being devoid of the blissful experience can leave you feel invariably unsatisfied.

Excessive Masturbation

While having a healthy sexual appetite may be great, excessive masturbation can desensitize the organs and lead to an insidious problem: orgasm dysfunction. Vibrators, sex toys and even electric toothbrushes have been known to cause abrasions and damage to nerve endings. When the natural, over-compensation for hormonal interference occurs, the body can no longer experience an orgasm. Just as other muscles and nerves in the body can become fatigued, the vagina, G-spot and Clitoris can also become insensitive and prone to injury.
Long periods of pre-puberty masturbation can over-stimulate the neuro-endocrine systems that can trigger a chronic elevation of the unwanted stress hormones (prolactin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine), adversely affecting the reproductive organs. Eventually, a hormonal imbalance can lead to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms. 

Regain Your Former Intensity

Women who excessively masturbate should refrain from doing so.  By refraining from masturbating, the body will slowly begin to repair its nerve endings on both the Clitoris and G-spot as well as help balance the dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The natural repair of the nerves and neuro-endocrine system will help rejuvenate the body but so will natural formulas, such as Natural Renewal Remedy For Vaginal & Clitoral Desensitization and Herbal Tincture For Vaginal & Clitoral Insensitivity—supplements that will repair damaged nerve endings, balance hormones, and help rejuvenate the body to its former state.

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Views: 183

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty, orgasm dysfunction

GuideID: 61109

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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