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Performance Issues Linked to Excessive Masturbation

Admit it, masturbation can be fun. It can relax the mind after a long, stressful day. It can provide a source of pleasure. It can even help keep hormones at bay. Masturbate too often, and you risk the chance of having performance issues, i.e., being unable to maintain an erection, ejaculating too quickly, or worse, not being able to obtain an erection at all.
Men who masturbate excessively may suffer from what’s known as performance anxiety. Sexual anxiety often occurs because the body has been abused and its levels of hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters elevated to inordinate levels. The results can leave both men and women with sexual dysfunctions.

Anxiety That Hurts You Down 

The performance anxiety caused by over masturbation develops in stages. First, the ‘problematic’ stage: the sufferer experiences uncharacteristic anxiety. The ‘severe’ stage finds him irritable and prematurely ejaculating during masturbation or sex. The ‘addictive’ stage manifests itself in the form of impotence and back pain. The final ‘severely addictive’ stage encompasses all of the aforementioned symptoms, as well as impotence.
Long exposure or over-production of stress hormones can damage the endocrine and nervous system from interacting, resulting in premature ejaculation. Long-term sexual exhaustion from excessive ejaculation produces cortisols in the body. Short-term bursts of cortisol are necessary to help us recover from the effects of stress, as well as pull calcium from our bones to help the muscles.

Bad Level of Inflammatory Hormones

Excessive masturbation also produces high levels of prostaglandin E-2, an inflammatory hormone that causes various erectile dysfunctions, including: premature ejaculation and unsustainable erection. When high levels of  prostaglandin E-2 are present in the body, males may lose an erection, fail to maintain an erection and even ejaculate too quickly.

Men who are suffering from the above mention symptoms as a result of excessive masturbation may want to refrain from ejaculating so that the body may heal. The body will restore the enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters released while masturbating. Men looking for a kick-start at reducing their performance issues may want to practice Taoist's Natural Ejaculation Control Technique and take herbal remedy to recover from sexual exhaustion to help regain control over ejaculation.

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