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How Does Excessive Masturbation Cause Acne?
As I'm sure we all know, masturbation can be a healthy and fun activity. However, if you take it too far, you may experience some unwanted side effects. Sometimes it's difficult to tell when you've been having a little too much fun, but our body tends to find a way of telling us one way or another. For some, the body will respond by producing those unwanted blemishes in the most unpleasant of areas. When this occurs, it can make achieving sexual satisfaction much more troublesome.
What Causes the Break Out?
There are many causes of acne break outs, but in this case the problem is frequently related to a hormonal imbalance that is caused by excessive masturbation. It shouldn't sound too farfetched that sexual activity would have an affect on your hormones, but too much of that activity can cause an over production of certain materials that end up leading to acne. The over-stimulation of the testes can lead to the alternation of certain enzymes in the body which are responsible for blemishes.

To put it simply, these enzymes convert things like testosterone into a hormone known as DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which is well known for developing acne. If you're familiar with how hormones affect the body of a teenager, chances are the concept won't be too hard to grasp.
When Pleasure Becomes an Issue
Believe it or not, there is such a thing as too much masturbation. Granted, the activity is a lot of fun and can be very satisfying. However, when it leads to painful acne that inhibits your ability to continue having fun, chances are you're going to regret it. While it's definitely a healthy enterprise, it also activates the production of hormones that can cause acne.

Taking a break from masturbating can actually help with acne, as the problem is often caused by a chemical imbalance in the body that takes place as a result of having a little too much fun. Over masturbation often depletes the body of chemicals that are needed to stop acne in its place, so allowing those chemical levels to return to normal will definitely help to cure the problem. 
Is There Any Other Solution?
Actually, yes. You don't necessarily have to wait until your hormones are back in balance. There are ways to aid your body in the reproduction of the chemicals it needs to get rid of acne and keep it at bay.

Certain herbal remedies have been shown to combat the imbalance of sexual hormones, especially for people who have sexually exhausted themselves through excessive masturbation or other sexual activities. With the right combination of tools, you can bring your body back into balance and get back to performing your favorite sexual pastime.

Everyone experiences skin blemishes at one point or another, but it really becomes a problem when you're just trying to have fun. Don't let something like hormones keep you from doing what you want to do. If you treat your body right, you'll be able to have a healthy sex life and enjoy yourself more often.
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GuideID: 60993

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